Tuesday September 11, 2018 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Webinar - No Registration Necessary

French Session

Teleconference Phone Number: 1-877-413-4790
Conference ID: 7462843
Adobe Connect Link (French)

Thursday September 13, 2018 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Webinar - No Registration Necessary

English Session

Teleconference Phone Number: 1-877-413-4790
Conference ID: 7462843
Adobe Connect Link (English) 


NSERC is hosting webinars to assist the research community on how to complete a Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) application using the Research Portal and the NSERC Canadian Common CV (CCV).

In order to prepare, NSERC invites potential applicants to familiarize themselves with the following documents:

Note - NSERC's webinars have limited spaces. If you are unable to join, you can always connect to the teleconference and listen in while following the presentation.

Considering the high attendance to NSERC's webinars, NSERC staff may not have time to respond to all individual questions during the session. Any additional questions should be directed to NSERC's support team at RESGRANT@NSERC-CRSNG.GC.CA.

First time attending an Adobe Connect meeting?


PDF icon Webinar Invitation - RTI109.37 KB
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