
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)


Subatomic Physics Discovery Grant


The Subatomic Physics (SAP) Discovery Grants Program assists in:

  • promoting and maintaining a diversified base of high-quality research capability in the natural sciences and engineering in Canadian universities;
  • fostering research excellence; and
  • providing a stimulating environment for research training.

The SAP Discovery Grants Program supports ongoing programs of research (with long-term goals) rather than a single short-term project or a collection of unrelated projects that do not contribute to a cohesive program of research. These grants recognize the creativity and innovation that are at the heart of all research advances, whether made individually or in teams. Researchers are free to work in the mode most appropriate for the research area.

NSERC recognizes that while being of a grant-in-aid nature, SAP Discovery Grants must be sufficient to support a program of quality research that can have a meaningful impact on the field of study.

NSERC does not consider requests for supplements to existing SAP Discovery Grants, except for Steacie Fellows. Grant recipients may, however, apply for all other types of NSERC grants.

There are two types of SAP-DG: 

  • Individual: up to five years
  • Project: up to three years


Please refer to NSERC’s Overall Eligibility Criteria for more information. 

Individual Grants

  • Researchers can apply for only one Individual Discovery Grant (in Subatomic Physics or not) at a time.
  • Recipients of SAP Individual Discovery Grants are not restricted to the specific activities described in the application, but may pursue new research interests, provided they are within NSERC’s mandate.
  • Researchers who hold an Individual Discovery Grant cannot reapply for another Individual Discovery Grant until the last year of their current award.
  • SAP Individual Discovery Grants are awarded for one to five years, the normal duration being five years.

Project Grants

  • Researchers can apply to a SAP Project Grant, as an applicant or co-applicant, at the same time as an Individual Discovery Grant.
  • SAP Project Grants can be held concurrently with an Individual Discovery Grant.
  • Also, researchers can hold concurrently several SAP Project Grants, as an applicant or co-applicant. SAP Collaborations that hold a Project Discovery Grant cannot reapply for another Project Discovery Grant that relates to the same research program until the last year of their current award.
  • Members of a SAP Collaboration, which is applying for a SAP Project Grant, cannot normally apply for another SAP Discovery Grant to support research activities that are part of the Collaboration’s program of research. If you wish to submit such a concurrent application, please consult NSERC.
  • When joining a SAP Collaboration that is supported by an ongoing SAP Project Grant, researchers can apply for a SAP Individual or Project Grant for a duration that would allow their participation in the Collaboration’s subsequent application.
  • SAP Project Grants are awarded for one to three years, the normal duration being three years.

Project Duration

  • Although the Project Grants typically run one to three years and Individual Grants run five years, a shorter duration can be requested, at the time of application, by researchers phasing out their research program or joining a Collaboration that holds an existing grant.
  • Applicants requesting a shorter duration for other reasons must provide a strong justification. NSERC may award a grant of the normal duration, even if a shorter period is requested.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Notification of Intent to Apply (NOI): Researchers submit directly to NSERC via the Research Portal. Researchers do not need to send a copy to the Office of Research Services.

Note: The system will be closed after this time.

Internal Deadline

Subatomic Physics Project Applications (Requesting $500,000 or more per year):

Researcher submits a signed OR-5 to: Research.Services@uoguelph.ca. Researcher also clicks “submit” in the Research Portal so the final Full Application appears on the Office of Research server.

External Deadline

Subatomic Physics Project Applications (Requesting $500,000 or more per year):

Final application will be submitted by the Office of Research to NSERC online

Internal Deadline

Subatomic Physics Full Application (<$500,000 per year):

Researcher submits a signed OR-5 to: Research.Services@uoguelph.ca. Researcher also clicks “submit” in the Research Portal so the final Full Application appears on the Office of Research server.  

External Deadline

Subatomic Physics Full Application (<$500,000 per year):

Final application will be submitted by the Office of Research to NSERC online

How to Apply

If you intend to submit an application to the 2019 Subatomic Physics Grants competition, you must submit a Subatomic Physics Notification of Intent to Apply and Canadian Common CV (CCV) using the Research Portal. Refer to the instructions on how to complete a SAP NOI and CCVNSERC will not accept an NOI after the deadline date.
The NOI is mandatory. Researchers who do not submit a SAP NOI cannot submit a full application later in the fall. The information contained in the SAP NOI allows NSERC to start some aspects of the review process, including confirmation of assignment to the Subatomic Physics Evaluation Section, selection of appropriate external reviewers, and determination of the most appropriate review mechanism for applications requesting major financial support.
Applicants and co-applicants are required to complete and submit the NSERC version of the Canadian Common CV (CCV) at the NOI and application stages for this program. The CCV can be updated between the time it is submitted with the NOI and the application deadline.
For Questions, please contact

NSERC - Subatomic Physics resgrants-subatomicphysics@nserc-crsng.gc.ca
Please see NSERC's Contact List for further contact e-mails/phone numbers. 

Office of Research

Amy Bossaer, Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x58613

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Physical Sciences and Engineering