
Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) administers OIRNP-MAGNET in Ontario on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science (MRIS).  The Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) administers the program in Israel.


The Ontario-Israel Research Network Program–MAGNET (OIRNP-MAGNET)

For More Information


Materials for the OCE - Ontario-Israel Research Network Program-MAGNET

  • Partner Search Form
  • OCE Eligable Expenses
  • EOI Template
  • Proposal Template
  • LOS Template


The 2018 Ontario-Israel Research Network Program – MAGNET (OIRNP-MAGNET) Call for Proposals focuses on Smart Mobility technologies. Ontario small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in partnership with Israeli SMEs, will develop industrial or collaborative R&D technologies that address the Smart Mobility needs of a participating Anchor Company (AC), strengthening both Ontario and Israel’s technological expertise while enhancing global competitiveness. Ontario-based Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) interested in developing Smart Mobility technologies will act as Anchor Companies to provide guidance and resources appropriate to a successful outcome over the term of the project.

Each application must address at least one of the Priority Areas identified by the Anchor Companies.

Partnering Anchor Companies for 2018 include: Bombardier, General Dynamics Mission Systems, Linamar Corporation, Lockheed Martin Corporation, and Thales.


Eligible Applicants
Projects must include at least one SME from Ontario, one SME from Israel and, for the current call, one partnering multinational enterprise (MNE) from Ontario acting as an Anchor Company (AC). Ontario applicants are also strongly encouraged to collaborate with researchers from publicly-funded post-secondary institutions.

Eligible Projects

  • Projects must address one of the challenge statements identified by the partnering ACs.
  • Projects may include technology and knowledge applications, product customization, near commercialization or new market creation activities.
  • Applications should demonstrate how the projects will provide economic benefits in both Ontario and Israeli jurisdictions.
  • Project activities should take place primarily in Ontario and Israel.
  • Project participants are required to demonstrate that they themselves have, or have ready access to, the infrastructure and resources required to complete the joint development of the project.

Funding Availability

Both jurisdictions (OCE and IIA) have committed $5M CAD each over five years to support this initiative. The $10M will be matched in cash by the participating SMEs. Ontario funds will be disbursed to successful Ontario SMEs by OCE. Successful SMEs from Israel will be funded separately by IIA.

Maximum Project Value

For each successful application, the Ontario SME may receive up to 50% of eligible expenditures, to a maximum of $200,000 CAD from OCE to fund the Ontario portion of the project. The collaborating SME from Israel will receive a similar level of funding separately from IIA.  SMEs are required to provide 1:1 matching funds at the level of funding awarded.

OCE anticipates that approximately seven projects will be funded through the 2018 Call for Proposals.

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Project terms should not exceed two years and are non-renewable.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Deadline to start the OCE application process by submission of a Client Intake form

External Deadline

Deadline for EOI submission in OCE's online system, AccessOCE

Internal Deadline

If invited to the full application stage, the collaborating U of G researchers must submit a copy of the full application and budget, along with signed OR-5 to Office of Research (research.services@uoguelph.ca) a minimum of 1 week before the deadline for the applicant to submit their full application through OCE's online system, AccessOCE.

External Deadline

Deadline for Full Application submission in OCE's online system, AccessOCE

How to Apply

OCE and IIA will conduct parallel two-stage application processes. The application process consists of:

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI)
  2. Full Application (Invitation only)

Stage 1: Expression of Interest (EOI)

  • Both Ontario and Israeli SMEs must be identified as an Ontario-Israel partnership as a requirement for the EOI submission.
  • If the Ontario-Israeli partnership is not already established, OCE and IIA may provide assistance in identifying potential partner companies. Ontario SMEs can download a Partner Search Form and submit to Bradford Brinton. Israeli SMEs may contact Les Abelson for the Partner Search Form. Please allow sufficient time in advance of the EOI deadline to identify potential partners; also note that OCE and IIA cannot guarantee their ability to identify or secure suitable partners.
  • To begin the application process, Ontario SMEs should complete a ‘Client Intake Form’. An OCE Business Development Manager (BD) will contact the SME within two business days to discuss the suitability of the opportunity for this program.
  • If suitable, the Ontario SME will be sent a link to OCE’s online application system, AccessOCE.  The assigned OCE BD will assist the SME in the development of the EOI.
  • The Ontario and Israeli partnered SMEs should jointly submit the EOI to OCE through OCE’s online application system, AccessOCE.

Stage 2: Full Application

  • Applicants with successful EOIs will be invited to submit Full Applications in partnership with the associated Anchor Company (AC).
  • Ontario SMEs will be submitting the Full Application to OCE. Israeli SMEs will be submitting the Full Application to IIA.
  • For Ontario SMEs, prior to submitting the Full Application, the OCE BD must provide an endorsement of the application. Please allow at least one week prior to the submission deadline for the BD to review and endorse the application. Only after the BD endorsement will the SME be able to submit the application.
  • All applications MUST be received by OCE no later than the application deadline. Late and incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  • Intellectual Property (IP) arising from the project will be managed by the SMEs as OCE and IIA do not claim or manage IP rights.Full Application must be accompanied by a letter of intent (“LOI”) signed by all Ontario and Israeli SMEs detailing IP rights and commercialization strategy of the product or process. If the project is funded, a fully executed IP Sharing Agreement or Collaborative Research Agreement must be incorporated as Schedule D (Intellectual Property Term Sheet) in the OCE Funding Agreement to be executed by OCE and the Applicant.Applicants are strongly advised to begin negotiation of the terms of the IP Sharing Agreement immediately after submission of an application in order to meet the Application deadline.
  • Full applications must also be accompanied by a signed letter of support from the AC, confirming the high-level project scope, budget, timelines, and commitment to the project as a “Project Contributor/Partner” (including any cash, personnel and/or other contributions). A template for the letter of support is available. Use of the template is optional, however all items listed must be included in the letter.

Information For Co-applicants

If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead institution for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days in advance of the lead institution’s deadline to review the application, or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research (contact information below) ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).

For Questions, please contact

For application development inquiries:
Bradford Brinton
Business Development Manager
Ontario Centres of Excellence
T: 416-885-2509
E-mail: bradford.brinton@oce-ontario.org

For eligibility and program guideline inquiries:
Alexandra Ho
Program Manager
Ontario Centres of Excellence
T: 416.861.1092 x 9-5018
E-mail: alexandra.ho@oce-ontario.org

For online application system or technical support:
Application Support Team
T: 416.861.1092 x 9 2400
E-mail: application-support@oce.zendesk.com

Les Abelson
Program Director - North America
Israel Innovation Authority
T. 972.2.5118139
E-mail: Les.Abelson@innovationisrael.org.il

Office of Research

Amy Bossaer, Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office

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