Updated Information

Updated eligibility information:  Individuals based in, or formally affiliated with, an Ontario Host Institution, such as a university, research institute, research hospital, or not-for-profit organization with an explicit research mandate.


Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR)


In collaboration with Cancer Care Ontario, the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) is excited to announce a new funding opportunity to support health services research projects that will provide the knowledge needed to optimize the delivery of cancer services today and to ensure appropriate dissemination of health service innovations and well-evaluated technologies.

Projects that address hard-to-treat cancers and/or have a clear trajectory to intervention studies are preferred.

  1. Data infrastructure, integration and mobilization studies (e.g., data linkage, quality, access, governance, and policy, including privacy and ethics considerations);
  2. Use of Real-World Evidence to advance innovations in health care and health technology assessments;
  3. Research addressing health care system adoption of accepted best practices related to precision medicine;
  4. Use of artificial intelligence and digital health tools by health care systems and their impact on access to care, models of care, quality and cost of care, and patient outcomes;
  5. Knowledge translation and dissemination projects; and
  6. Population health studies (e.g., prevention and screening).


Individuals based in, or formally affiliated with, an Ontario Host Institution, such as a university, research institute, research hospital, or not-for-profit organization with an explicit research mandate.

Maximum Project Value

Up to $150,000/year

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

2 years


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Registration: PI to submit as one PDF to scientificsecretariat@oicr.on.ca. File must be labelled as follows: PI Last Name HSR Registration.pdf

Registration Form can be found under File Attachments.

External Deadline

Letter of Intent: LOI stage may not be required.  More information will follow from sponsor

Information regarding LOI and application can be found on the sponsor website.

Internal Deadline

Application: PI to sumbit application and complete OR5 form to: research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

Application: PI to submit directly to sponsor. Instructions on how to submit will be available on the application forms with will be available on the sponsor website in August 2018.


File Registration Form67.03 KB
For Questions, please contact

Contact OICR’s Scientific Secretariat department: scientificsecretariat@oicr.on.ca

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x52832

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences