Updated Information

New link to join the town hall meeting or join by Meeting ID: #238 722 434 047.


Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance (OMAFA/U of G Agreement) 


The Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance requests proposals that address the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness (OMAFA) research priorities. Proposals must address a research question in one of the following research priority areas: 

  • Protection and Risk Resilience 
    • Food Safety 
    • Animal Health & Welfare 
    • Plant Health & Protection 
  • Environmental Stewardship  
    • Soil Health 
    • Water Quality & Quantity 
    • Sustainable Production Systems 
    • Productive Land Capacity 
  • Productivity and Growth 
    • Competitive Production Systems 
    • Innovative Products & Product Improvement 
    • Trade, Market & Targeted Sector Growth Opportunities 
    • Strong Rural Communities 

For further information about this call, please visit the Alliance Tier 1 webpage and consult the OMAFA Research Priorities document and the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance Tier 1 Program Guide.

A town hall information session will take place Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 2 p.m. in ANNU room 141 (Animal Science and Nutrition building). The meeting can also be attended via Microsoft Teams at the link below. No registration is required. The presentation will be posted to the Alliance website after the meeting.   

For more details on OMAFA research priorities and research questions please reach out to the appropriate OMAFA Research Analyst identified in the Research Priorities document accessible on the Research Priorities webpage.  

The Alliance Tier 1 Research Program involves a single-stage call. Full Proposals are due by 1:00 pm on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Intent information must be complete by Thursday, October 10, 2024 (General and Peer Review tabs complete in the RMS). 


University of Guelph faculty members are eligible to be the Lead Applicant and/or a Co-Applicant on any Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance Research Program project. Adjunct faculty members may also apply (using their @uoguelph.ca email address and U of G department for their RMS login credentials) if they are eligible to hold research funding at the University of Guelph and are not employed by or have a financial interest in any of the collaborating organizations or co-funders. Consult the program guide for more details.

Applicants must be fully compliant with all reporting requirements prior to a new proposal being reviewed under any Alliance Research Program. The Lead Applicant and the Co-Applicant will have 30 days from the submission deadline to complete any outstanding compliance requirements, including reporting, data management plans and financial obligations such as recovery of Research Centre fees. If applicants are not compliant at that time the submitted proposal will be withdrawn from the review process and declined. 

Special Notes

Proposal Compliance Checks (optional)

Office of Research, Agri-Food Partnership staff are offering to complete a compliance check of proposals in advance of the submission deadline. The compliance check does not assess overall quality or scientific merit but will review the proposal for issues that are not caught during the system validation checks in the RMS (e.g., congruence between team/HQP tables and the budget, eligibility of budget items etc.). Please email rescoord@uoguelph.ca on or before the intent deadline (October 10) if you want program staff to complete a compliance check of your proposal. Proposals should be at or near completion. 


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Intent Information - All faculty intending to submit a full proposal to this program must complete:

  • All fields in the ‘General’ tab
  • All fields in the ‘Peer Review’ tab (five or more peer reviewer suggestions) 
External Deadline
  • Call open: August 15, 2024
  • Program town hall (information session): September 19, 2024
  • Full Proposals due: November 5, 2024
  • Award decisions: Anticipated March 2025 
For Questions, please contact

If you have questions about the Call for Proposals, please contact a Research Programs Coordinator in the Office of Research (Agri-Food Partnership) at rescoord@uoguelph.ca.

For support with the development of your Knowledge Translation and Transfer (KTT) Plan please contact kttadmin@uoguelph.ca.

If you have questions related to industry partner contributions, leveraging opportunities, intellectual property, or commercialization please contact Kaleigh Rajna (krajna@uoguelph.ca) from the Research Innovation Office.

Office of Research

Stacy Favrin, Senior Manager, OMAFA/U of G Research Programs

Office of Research, Agri-Food Partnership


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