
Ontario Bean Growers

For More Information

OBG Research Proposal Form and Budget Template


Ontario Bean Growers (OBG) is a not for profit organization that represents the interests of farmers in Ontario that grow dry edible beans. Founded in July 2013, the organization is an amalgamation of the Ontario Bean Producers’ Marketing Board and the Ontario Coloured Bean Growers Association. The farmer members of Ontario Bean Growers produce fifteen different types of dry edible beans on an average of 130,000 acres annually from the deep southwest in the Harrow/Windsor area to the opposite end of the province in the Ottawa valley.

​OBG budget request should be no more than $100,000 per year.  Funding is pending OBG accessing matching funds through government or other funding programs.  Additional partner funds brought forward by the researcher are to be confirmed before OBG submits and application for matching funds. 

​Projects between one and five years in duration will be considered.  All proposals that show value for OBG will be considered, but proposals that directly address the identified topics will be given priority: i) breeding; ii) weed management; iii) pest management; iv) agronomy; v) other (human health, processing, new domestic markets, etc.).



Funding Availability

Budget requests should be no more than $100,000 per year for a project that ranges from one to five years in duration.

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

One to five years in duration.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit the complete proposal, along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Deadline for researcher to submit complete application to Ontario Bean Growers.  Email proposals to Jennifer Mitchell, Project Coordinator - jennifer@ontariobeans.on.ca.

For Questions, please contact

Jennifer Mitchell, Project Coordinator, Ontario Bean Growers, jennifer@ontariobeans.on.ca, 519-803-9847.


Office of Research

Kristin Zimmermann, Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office

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Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences