Ontario Brain Institute (OBI)
Event Funding Program
For More Information
OBI Event Funding Application and Agreement
Ontario Brain Institute (OBI) is committed to working with external organizations to support initiatives that are compatible with the vision, goals and objectives of OBI. Applications will be reviewed in January, May, and September.
Funding Availability
$5,000 per event; Funding for successful applicants will be provided in two tranches (first tranche 70% of total, second tranche 30% of total) and the Event Follow-Up Form must be signed and submitted prior to the second tranche.
Indirect Costs
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
Internal Deadline | Please submit the completed Event Funding Application and Agreement (under "Attachments" section) and a signed OR5 form to resserv@uoguelph.ca. The Office of Research will review the terms and conditions of and obtain institutional sign-off on the Funding Agreement embedded in the application. | |
External Deadline | Researchers must send the completed Event Funding application form to: events@braininstitute.ca |