
Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science (MRIS), China's Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE).


​The objectives of the program are to:

  • support scientific and technological collaboration between Ontario and China
  • develop and enhance cooperation in the field of industrial and technological innovations, to improve competitiveness, and to further economic and business collaboration between Ontario and China.

The current call for proposal will accept project applications focusing on the research theme: Energy Storage.

For More Information

For additional information, please visit the program's website for Program Guidelines.


The Ontario-China Research and Innovation Fund (OCRIF) supports scientific and technological collaboration projects between China and Ontario. Offered through a partnership with Ontario’s Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science (MRIS), China's Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), OCRIF promotes scientific, technological and industrial research and commercialization cooperation.


Funding is open, on a competitive basis, to:

Ontario Applicants:

  • Ontario publicly-assisted universities
  • Ontario colleges of applied arts, science and technology
  • Not-for-profit research institutes affiliated with an Ontario university
  • Consortia of the above, with one institution as lead applicant, assuming responsibility and accountability for the consortium
  • Other Ontario not-for-profit research institutions at the discretion of OCE.
  • Technology companies with operations in Ontario

China Applicants: research institutions or companies in China

Ontario applicants should direct their China partners to apply directly to MOST for funding.

Funding Availability

OCE will support up to 50 per cent of the direct, eligible research costs, to a maximum of $210,000 CAD per project (for academic applicants) or $250,000 CAD per project (for company applicants) for the Ontario portion of the project. MOST will support up to 50 per cent of the eligible research costs, to a maximum of $250,000 CAD per project, for the Chinese portion of the project. The maximum total grant amount, including OCE and MOST contributions, to be received by a project is $460,000 CAD (where the Ontario applicant is a post-secondary institution) or $500,000 CAD (where the Ontario applicant is a company).

Contributions by OCE and China must be matched at least 1:1 in cash and/or in-kind by applicants/partners in Ontario and China, respectively; i.e. to receive the maximum grant amount, the Ontario applicant/partner(s) must provide at least $210,000 CAD (for academic applicants) or $250,000 CAD (for company applicants), and the Chinese applicant and/or partner(s) must also provide at least $250,000 CAD. Letters of support from each organization providing cash and/or in-kind contributions must be included along with the application, confirming both the amount of matching funding and the intended use of the contributions.

Maximum Project Value

Successful Ontario academic applicants will be eligible to receive a maximum of $210,000 CAD per project from OCE to fund the Ontario portion of the project.

OCE anticipates that approximately four projects (includes academic and company applicants) will be funded through the 2017 Call for Proposals.

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Project terms cannot exceed three years and are non-renewable. 

Special Notes

Research Team Structure: A lead Ontario applicant must form a dedicated team, including at least one lead China-based partner and at least one Ontario-based private-sector partner. Each research team is to be structured as follows:   Two Principal Investigators, one from Ontario and one from China, who will represent the project and be responsible for the management of the application and for the project’s internal scientific management.

Evaluation Criteria:

Applications will be evaluated on the basis of assessment criteria which include but are not limited to:

  • Collaboration foundation and capability
  • Rationale for collaborating with China
  • Clear research plan and scientific excellence
  • Clear plan for results sharing and intellectual property protection
  • Potential benefits for Ontario and China
  • Project implementation feasibility
  • Overall quality and completeness of the application


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit your application along with an OR-5 form to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Deadline for Ontario application submission using OCE's online system, AccessOCE, and for China application submission to MOST.


How to Apply

Ontario OCRIF applications must be initiated by an OCE Business Development Manager (BD). To apply, please contact your regional Business Development Manager who will assist you with developing your application. Your OCE BD will also maintain oversight responsibility for the OCE components of any approved project. 

For Questions, please contact

To be connected with an OCE Business Development Manager please contact:

Sharon Sukhdeo
Client Services Coordinator

Office of Research

Kristin Zimmermann, Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x56257

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering