
Ontario Genomics


Large Scale Applied Research Project (LSARP)


In anticipation of the upcoming Large Scale Applied Research Project (LSARP) competition in precision health (launch expected in January 2017), Ontario Genomics invites researchers from to provide them with some preliminary information regarding their planned project. This information will enable Ontario Genomics to provide the project teams with early assistance in developing their LSARP pre-application, including identification of potential collaborators, end users and service providers, as well as help in framing the proposed project and socio-economic benefits (SEB) in a competitive manner.

By submitting a two-page preliminary information form, project teams will be matched by Ontario Genomics with external consultants familiar with the requirements of Genome Canada funding applications; they will assist in developing the pre-application. The process will begin with an in-person meeting between the consultant and the project team (late January), followed by consultation by phone (if required) and draft reviews. Once the near-final draft pre-application is submitted to Ontario Genomics (end of March/early April), it will undergo a friendly external review, from field-specific and technical experts, as well as reviewers who will focus on the SEB section; the project team will be provided  with additional feedback they can use to strengthen the pre-application for its final submission to Genome Canada in May 2017.

While submission of this preliminary information is not required in order to apply to the LSARP competition, it is required to benefit from Ontario Genomics’ Early Assistance Program, as described above. If researchers choose not to participate in the Early Assistance Program, their first step will be to submit a registration in February/March, followed by a draft pre-application in March/April, which will also benefit from the friendly external review described above.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

There is no need to submit an OR-5 Form to Research Services at this stage.

How to Apply

If you intend on applying to this LSARP competition and would like to take advantage of Ontario Genomics’ Early Assistance Program, please submit the preliminary information form for the planned project to funding@ontariogenomics.ca by January 9th, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.

For Questions, please contact

For questions regarding this program or the upcoming LSARP competition: 
Caitlin Taylor, Manager, Research & Business Development

Office of Research

Katie Meyer Beck, Director, Research Services Office
Research Services Office

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