
Genome Canada (c/o Ontario Genomics)


Genomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP)


The GAPP funds downstream research and development (R&D) projects that address real world opportunities and challenges identified by industry, government, not-for-profits and other “Receptors” of genomics knowledge and technologies.

GAPP projects are collaborations between academic researchers and Receptor organizations. They are co-funded by Receptors and other stakeholders and have the potential to generate significant social and/or economic benefits for Canada.

The GAPP aims to:

  1. Accelerate the application of Canadian Genomics-derived solutions to real-world opportunities and challenges defined by by industry and public sector Receptors.
  2. Channel Canada's genomics capacity into sustainable innovations that benefit Canadians.
  3. Enhance the value of Canadian genomics technologies by de-risking and incentivizing follow-on investment from industry and other partners.
  4. Foster mutually beneficial collaboration and knowledge exchange between Canadian academia and technology partners.

The Precision Health Initiative – Rare Diseases: Clinical Implementation Projects initiative continues in this round.  This pilot program for the clinical implementation of precision health features three main components:

  1. Establish a national rare disease cohort through the collection and sequencing of 30,000 samples from rare disease patients and their families.
  2. Determine the mechanisms and best practices for the collection and sharing of data, including privacy policies, informed consent and other ethical and legal frameworks.
  3. Establish clinical implementation sites and work with provincial and regional partners/centres to achieve regulatory approval and accreditation.


To be eligible for GAPP, a project must:

  • Develop and apply a genomics-derived product, tool or process for an opportunity or challenge defined by the Receptor(s);
  • Focus on late-stage R&D that will position the innovation for near-term implementation / commercialization;
  • Be co-led by an academic and a Receptor organization in partnership, with active and necessary roles for both; and,
  • Demonstrate the potential to generate significant social and/ or benefits for Canada.

Small-scale proof-of-concept / pilot projects through to large-scale projects will be accepted.  Projects should not be in the discovery phase.

Receptor Eligibility:
A Receptor is defined as an organization that intends to put the resulting innovation into practice (in internal operations, by commercialization, or otherwise making it available to its ultimate users). Eligible Receptors include:

  • Companies (private / public, Canadian / foreign-owned);
  • Industry consortia;
  • Government departments and agencies (federal, provincial and municipal);
  • Healthcare organizations; and
  • Not-for-profit organizations

Small or start-up companies may be considered, as per the guidelines.

The GAPP Guidelines provide full information regarding the eligibility criteria.

In addition to the above criteria, in order to be considered as a Precision Health - Rare Diseases Clinical Implementation Project, projects must also:

  • Focus on using precision health approaches in rare diseases that are ready to be implemented in partnership with an existing publicly funded health care delivery organization (at the provincial or regional level that has the technological and organizational infrastructure needed to support the project);
  • Analyze province specific health technology assessment data to determine the clinical utility, cost utility and cost effectiveness of genomic sequencing;
  • Commit to working with other rare disease clinical implementation projects funded through this mechanism to share best practices and harmonize data capture;
  • Commit to data sharing, data standards, consents and other policies that comply with the guidelines for the overall initiative.

Maximum Project Value

Total project size: $300,000 to $6 million. The structure of the funding plan is as follows:

  • 1/3 investment from Genome Canada;
  • 1/3 provided by the Receptor partner (cash or in-kind); and
  • 1/3 of other co-funding.

For more information see Appendix 2 of the GAPP Investment Strategy and Guidelines and the document Guidelines for Funding.

Indirect Costs

0% for funding requested from Genome Canada; indirect costs may apply to Receptor (i.e. industry) collaborator(s). Please contact the Office of Research Services.

Project Duration

One – three years. Shorter or longer terms will be considered only if strong rationale is provided.

Special Notes

Investment Strategy and Guidelines
Ontario Genomics Quick Financial Guide (GAPP)


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Draft Expression of Interest (EOI) due to Ontario Genomics

This draft EOI does not need to be submitted to the Office of Research.

Internal Deadline

Final Expression of Interest (EOI) to Office of Research
Please submit a signed OR-5 form and the Final Expression of Interest to the Office of Research two weeks prior to the external deadline to Ontario Genomics 

If invited to the supplementary proposal stage, please submit a copy of the supplementary proposal to research.services@uoguelph.ca at least two weeks prior to the deadline set by Ontario Genomics. 

External Deadline

Final Expression of Interest (EOI) due to Ontario Genomics

Internal Deadline

Final Supplementary Proposal to Office of Research

Applicants invited to submit a Final Supplementary Proposal must send a copy to research.services@uoguelph.ca at least two weeks prior to the deadline set by Ontario Genomics.

*If an applicant requests a more in-depth review, please submit prior to June 17, 2019.

External Deadline

Final Supplementary Proposal to Ontario Genomics

How to Apply

There is a three-stage, gated application process for this program:

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI)
  2. Project Pitch
  3. Supplementary Proposal

Note that the EOI and Project Pitch content resembles a business case for the proposed project.  At each of the above stages, Ontario Genomics has developed a due diligence review process, where a panel of industry experts and entrepreneurs provide feedback to help teams navigate the application and increase their competitiveness. These reviews are mandatory for all Ontario projects.

Applicants should anticipate the following phases in the application process:

  1. Submission of draft EOI to Ontario Genomics.
  2. Face-to-face business pitch to due diligence review panel (see panel members).
  3. Development of final EOI through active collaboration with Ontario Genomics.
  4. Submission of EOI to University of Guelph Office of Research (two weeks prior to deadline set by Ontario Genomics)
  5. Submission of EOI to Genome Canada.
  6. Teams invited to Project Pitch stage: Perform practice pitch with Ontario Genomics before official pitch to Genome Canada.
  7. Teams invited to Supplementary Proposal stage: Submit draft applications to Ontario Genomics for panel review before submission to Genome Canada.

Application Forms and Submission:
For copies of the current forms, or to submit an EOI, please contact: Helen Petropoulos (hpetropoulos@OntarioGenomics.ca), Director, Business Development & Research.

Information For Co-applicants

If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead institution for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days in advance of the lead institution’s deadline to review the application, or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research (contact information below) ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).

For Questions, please contact

For questions regarding the GAPP program, please contact: Helen Petropoulos, Director, Business Development & Research at hpetropoulos@OntarioGenomics.ca

Office of Research

Carolyn Dowling-Osborn, Director, Research Support Services
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences