Updated Information

Reminder, deadline for Registration is Monday November 12, 2018. 


Ontario Genomics

This program will be co-funded as follows:

  • 1/3 investment from Genome Canada
  • 1/3 investment from Agricultural Adaptation Council (AAC)
  • 1/3 applicant-identified co-funding


Ontario Regional Priorities Partnership Program (ON-RP3)

For More Information

A workshop comprising an information session, and one-on-one consultation session has been arranged at the University of Guelph.  Please refer to the Research Alert for more details.

Additionally, a webinar will be held on October 12, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. Click Instructions for more information.

Program guidelines and access to registration and application forms is available at the following links:


This new program will provide funding for Proof-of-Concept (PoC)-stage projects that will deliver genomics-derived solutions for industry-identified challenges within the Ontario agriculture and agri-food sector.

This new program, directed by Ontario Genomics, in partnership with the Agricultural Adaptation Council (AAC) will target genomic technologies that will lead to:

  • advances in crop resiliency, in addition to disease and pest resistance leading to sustainable agriculture and food
  • mitigation of the negative impacts of genomics on pollinators while improving colony health and resilience
  • development of effective alternatives to antibiotics for livestock
  • development of advanced diagnostic Point-of-Care Tools for livestock
  • development of advanced tools to provide better understanding of the complex interaction between microbe-plant, microbe-microbe, and microfauna in soil microbiomes
  • development of feedstock and processing systems for use in bioindustrial processes such as bio energy, bio material and fermentation processes
  • accelerate the development and application of genomics-based innovations by leveraging computational biology and artificial intelligence
  • address barriers to adaption of genomics innovations


To be considered eligible, projects must:

  1. Respond to the objectives and intent of the ON-RP3 program
  2. Have an eligible Industry Lead and Academic Lead located in Ontario and demonstrate that the project being funded will be performed in, and benefit Ontario
  3. Put forward a genomics or genomics-derived solution (technologies, tools and processes) for an agriculture and agri-food sector-driven challenge or opportunity
  4. Align within one or more of the outlined strategic priorities listed below (See Special Notes section)
  5. Build on existing research/preliminary data to demonstrate proof-of-concept by the end of the funding period
  6. Provide a plan that demonstrates how implementation will be achieved within two years or less of project completion
  7. Provide a communications plan

Proof-of-concept stage projects are defined as projects that build on existing discovery research and/or preliminary data towards Research & Development (R&D) that demonstrates the feasibility of implementing the genomics/genomics-derived solution. With the proof-of-concept data generated by end of the project, teams should be well-positioned to execute their defined implementation plan.

Maximum Project Value

The maximum project value is $500,000

Indirect Costs

0% on Ontario Genomics portion

Project Duration

One to three years, beginning no earlier than July 1, 2019 and ending no later than June 30, 2022

Special Notes

Strategic Priorities
Projects must align with one or more of the strategic priorities outlined below, that are  based on the recommendations from the sector strategy report, Genomics for Agriculture & Agri-Food: Ontario’s Strategic Opportunity.  This report was prepared by Ontario Genomics following extensive sector review and consultations with academic, government, industry and other sector stakeholders:

  • Multidisciplinary Research – Augment multidisciplinary R&D using a systems biology approach, with a focus on increased understanding of microbiomes and their interconnectivity to human health
  • Sustainable Agriculture & Food – Prioritize programs for sustainable agriculture and food that consider the economy, the environment, and society, for crop production and livestock
  • Advanced Processing Systems – Enhance advanced manufacturing and processing systems for both food and industrial bioproducts, including fermentation and traceability
  • Rapid Diagnostics & Biologics – Develop rapid diagnostic methods to support regulation and trade, rapid disease detection and traceability in crops and livestock, and biologics to reduce the use of antimicrobials
  • Address Barriers to Adoption – Address barriers to the adoption of genomics innovations including issues related to data sharing, intellectual property, regulation and public acceptance
  • Leverage Computational Biology & Artificial Intelligence – Leverage Ontario’s strengths in computational biology and artificial intelligence to accelerate the development and application of agricultural genomics-based innovations


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

Deadline for submitting Registration directly to sponsor.

Note: OR-5 forms and approvals from the Office of Research Services are not required at this eligibility screening stage.

Internal Deadline

Please submit your full application, along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca. Given the holiday schedule, the normal two-week deadline for this program has been reduced to one-week. We kindly request that if you are applying, you reach out to Office of Research Services well in advance of the deadline. We will provide advice and support around co-funding (awards and agreements) and will require time to review the proposal, budget and obtain approvals.

External Deadline

Deadline for submitting applications to sponsor.

Information For Co-applicants

If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead institution for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days in advance of the lead institution’s deadline to review the application, or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research (contact information below) ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).

For Questions, please contact

If you have questions about this program or would like to discuss the fit of your proposal idea within the focus of ON-RP3, please contact:
Kelly Hunter, Manager, Research and Business Development (OG)
E-mail: funding@ontariogenomics.ca
Tel: (416) 673-6562

Office of Research

Carolyn Dowling-Osborn, Director, Research Support Services
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences