
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources


The Species at Risk Stewardship Fund (SARSF) was created under the Endangered Species Act to encourage people to get involved in protecting and recovering species at risk through stewardship activities. Applications are now being accepted for the Species at Risk Stewardship Fund for projects that will be undertaken in 2018/19.  Please see the Species at Risk Stewardship Fund webpage for complete program details. Project proposals must target species listed as extirpated, endangered, threatened, or special concern on the Species at Risk in Ontario List.​  Please review the list of 2018-19 priorities


For information on eligible applicants and eligible activities please refer to the program guidelines.

Indirect Costs

10% as per program guidelines.

Project Duration

For the 2018-19 funding year, the SARSF will consider multi-year projects for up to three years of funding. Multi-year requests are evaluated on demonstrated need and subsequent years build on the previous year. If approved for multi-year funding, the subsequent years will be dependent on availability of funds and/or whether the necessary appropriation is provided from the Ontario Legislature.

Special Notes

Project proposals that include matching contributions (in-kind and financial) from a variety of sources are encouraged. Matching funds can either be matching dollars, in-kind donations, or a combination. The amount of matching funds is a criterion that will be considered when applications are reviewed, whereby project proposals with matching dollars will be evaluated more favourably than those with in-kind donations. If applicants indicate in-kind contributions, they are required to describe how they are valued. Land values cannot be used as in-kind matching funds.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit your proposal, along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Applications must be received electronically.  Applications accepted after the deadline date or not fully completed will not be accepted.

How to Apply

Apply online using the Stewardship Portal.  To view a list of projects currently receiving support in 2017/18, please visit Species at Risk Stewardship Program projects.

For Questions, please contact

Species at Risk Stewardship Fund, please contact Kim Jaxa-Debicki by phone​ (705)-755-5506 or email: SAR.stewardship@ontario.ca

Office of Research

Kristin Zimmermann, Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Physical Sciences and Engineering