
Genome Canada


Ontario Regional Priorities Partnership Program (RP3)


Ontario Genomics (OG) is partnering with the Agricultural Adaptation Council (AAC) and Genome Canada (GC) to deliver the new Ontario Regional Priorities Partnership Program (RP3).  This regionally-focused program will be an open funding competition for Proof-of Concept (PoC)-stage projects that will deliver genomics-derived solutions for industry-identified challenges and opportunities within the Ontario agriculture and agri-food sector (AAF). To ensure maximum impact, eligible research topics will be focused on the priority areas identified in the sector strategy report, Genomics for Agriculture & Agri-Food: Ontario’s Strategic Opportunity (available May 2018).


  • Public-private partnership program that will promote the adoption of genomics-based technologies, tools and services within the Ontario AAF sector;
  • Demonstrate to industry in the AAF sector that genomics-based innovations are ready for implementation;
  • Bridge the gap between applied research and implementation.


  • Proposals will be sought from the Ontario AAF sector;
  • Proposals must be co-led by an Ontario based company or not-for-profit organization (the “Receptor”) and a researcher at an eligible institution in Ontario;
  • Research supporting the proposal will need to be sufficiently advanced to enable, for example, field trials and/or validation experiments;
  • Utilize a genomic sciences-derived tool, product or process;
  • Address a suggested priority area identified in Genomics for Agriculture & Agri-Food: Ontario’s Strategic Opportunity;
  • Projects must clearly define their implementation plan and timeline appropriate to project deliverables.

Maximum Project Value

The maximum project value is $500,000. Genome Canada will invest 1/3 of the total project value, 1/3 will be invested from Agricultural Adaptation Council, and 1/3 must be provided in other applicant-identified, eligible co-funding.

Project Duration

3-year funded PoC and implementation within 2 years thereafter.

How to Apply

Submissions due in Fall 2018. Program details and timelines will be published on the Ontario Genomics website as soon as they become available.

For Questions, please contact

Kelly Hunter, Research and Business Development Manager at khunter@ontariogenomics.ca, 416.673.6562

Office of Research

Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x56943

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