Polar Knowledge Canada - Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP)
The Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP) is administered by Polar Knowledge Canada (POLAR). It was established in 1961 to encourage Canadian universities to participate in training Northern specialists to meet national needs. Today, it is the Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP) and provides supplementary funding to over 350 students annually at over 35 universities across Canada. The program is administered by POLAR as part of its mandate to foster science and technology in Canada’s North.
The NSTP supports Canadian universities and Northern post-secondaries in providing scientific training that gives advanced undergraduate and graduate students professional experience in the Canadian North and encourages them to develop a commitment to Northern work.
The objective of the NSTP is to increase the number of students who have specialized in some aspect of Northern studies and who have Northern research experience. This objective is attained by encouraging the formation of multi-disciplinary focal points for Northern studies within Canadian universities and Northern post-secondaries (i.e. Northern Studies Committees) and by providing supplementary financial assistance for eligible students to offset the high cost of Northern research (i.e. transportation costs, living costs, shipping costs and interpreter fees).
- Be enrolled in a degree program at a Canadian university.
- Students supported by training funds must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
- Summer and winter projects are eligible.
- Post-doctoral studies are not supported.
Students are also encouraged to apply for NSTP funds for the purpose of dissemination or reporting back to the community.
Supported Fields of Research:
The program funds projects on Northern topics from all disciplines and in multi-disciplinary fields.
Geographical Focus:
The Northern Scientific Training Program supports projects that lie north of the southern limit of the discontinuous permafrost zone (see map at: http://arcg.is/1vGHyr); and the other seven circumpolar countries [Finland, Greenland (Denmark), Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States (Alaska)].
Note for 2024: Due to the sanctions imposed in response to the gravity of Russia's violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and grave human rights violations that have been committed in Russia, POLAR will be unable to fund projects taking place in Russia or involving collaborations with Russian organizations for the 2025-2026 fiscal year.
Use of Northern Scientific Training Program funds:
The program’s funds are restricted. They are a supplement meant to offset the additional costs of Northern research (e.g. transportation and living costs). The Northern Scientific Training Program is not intended to be a source of primary support for students pursuing Northern research.
Maximum Project Value
The average NSTP allocation is up to $6,000 per student.
NSTP will provide one year of funding for thesis-based research at the undergraduate level, up to two years of funding for thesis-based research at the Master’s level and up to three years of funding for thesis-based research at the Doctoral level. Students may apply and be granted funding in any year of their programs.
Indirect Costs
Project Duration
The program is based on winter projects falling between December 1st and March 31st of the following year. The field component is typically one to three months.
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
Internal Deadline | Students are required to complete an application and, upon completion of their research, a research report, using the web-based forms available at Online Forms. Once the online forms have been completed, they are to be submitted to the universities' Northern Studies Committee via the online system. An incomplete application may result in a rejection of funding. A Frequently Asked Questions page is available online. | |
Internal Deadline | Faculty supervisor adds comments online to new student submissions in the NSTP online application and reporting system AND submits a signed OR-5 form (1 form per research group) along with copies of application(s) to research.services@uoguelph.ca. An incomplete application may result in funding rejection. Applicants may be provided with initial feedback and asked to amend their application prior to the final November 12th submission deadline. | |
Internal Deadline | Final submission of complete applications in the NSTP online system for consideration by the university's Northern Studies Committee. Applications may not be amended after this date. Previously Awarded 2023 Projects: Faculty supervisors who supervised students between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024 must submit the faculty portion of the report to the Chair, Dr. Goordial, by this date. | |
External Deadline | NSTP Chairperson submits spreadsheets of applications, reports along with University Information Sheet, Northern Studies Committee Information Sheet, Student Nominations, Research Reports (General Overview) and Application for Funds, General Overview to NSTP Secretariat. |