Wednesday March 8, 2023 12:00pm to 12:45pm

Registration is required.

Begin Registration


Led by:

  • Lucia Costanzo, Research and Scholarship Librarian, McLaughlin Library


Sharing your data improves your visibility as a researcher, increases citations for your publications, gives you recognition for your work, attracts new collaborations and, most importantly, allows for reproducibility and verification of results. This last RDM brown bag will cover: 

  • Benefits around depositing your research data into a repository
  • Impact of the Tri-Agency Policy on how data is deposited and shared
  • How to select a repository for your research data 
  • How to prepare your research data for deposit 
  • License considerations for your data 
  • Overview on how to use and deposit data into the University of Guelph Research Data Repositories in Borealis, A Canadian Dataverse Repository 
  • Questions from audience members. 


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Workshops and Events

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
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