
Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI)

For More Information

For additional information, please visit the program's websites for

  • Program guidelines
  • Application forms
  • Evaluation criteria


Grants awarded through this program are intended to provide support for the investigation of key unresolved research questions in autism, particularly those that connect etiologies to brain function and behavior. Unlike SFARI Pilot Awards, risk and novelty are welcome but are not required criteria for the proposal to be considered meritorious. Competitive applications will have preliminary data or other relevant groundwork that justifies substantial investment on the proposed topic.


All applicants and key collaborators must hold a Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent degree and have a faculty position or the equivalent at a college, university, medical school or other research facility. In addition, eligible applicants must have independent lab space at their institution.

Maximum Project Value

The maximum budget is $1,300,000, including indirect costs

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

up to four years.

Special Notes

US Public Health Service (PHS) Federal Conflict of Interest Requirements (FCOI):
Applications to this program must be accompanied by a Significant Financial Interest Disclosure Form (see Appendix B of the US PHS FCOI Requirements). Please refer to the information posted on the Office of Research Services website for more information on researcher responsibilities under the US PHS FCOIRequirements.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Applicant to submit a complete OR-5 form and copy of application to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Applicants must submit application electronically using forms provided at proposalCENTRAL. Please log in as an applicant, go to the “Grant Opportunities” tab, scroll to Simons Foundation, and click “Apply Now” for the SFARI Research Award program. 

Details concerning application requirements and submission can be found in the instructions or on proposalCENTRAL. If you have other questions, please review the FAQ.

Information For Co-applicants

If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead institution for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days in advance of the lead institution’s deadline to review the application, or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research (contact information below) ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).

For Questions, please contact

For assistance, please call 800-875-2562 or email pcsupport@altum.com.

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office

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