
Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science


  • The Solutions 2030 Challenge is part of the TargetGHG program, which is supported by funding from the Ontario Green Investment Fund. Ontario’s TargetGHG program is designed to catalyze the adoption of innovative low-carbon technologies and foster leading-edge technology development targeting greenhouse gas reductions for industry emitters.
  • The Green Investment Fund is a $325-million down payment on the programming to support the province’s new cap and trade program and was announced in the 2015 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review.
  • Elements of the Ontario Green Investment Fund supports Ontario’s Business Growth Initiative, helping to accelerate Ontario’s innovation economy, while responding to the challenges and opportunities of rapid technological change and global economic forces.
  • In May 2015, Ontario became the first province in Canada to set a mid-term greenhouse gas pollution reduction target of 37 per cent below 1990 levels by 2030.
  • To Qualify for funding teams must commit to entering into a funding agreement with Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)


Helping businesses innovate while lowering greenhouse gas emissions is part of Ontario's plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives. As a result, Ontario is challenging local and international companies to develop the next generation of transformative clean technologies to help fight climate change.

The Solutions 2030 Challenge encourages companies to develop breakthrough technologies that will help Ontario's industrial plants reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, meet the targets set in Ontario's Climate Change Action Plan, and increase innovation and entrepreneurship in the province. Ontario has provided support for the Solutions 2030 Challenge with proceeds from the province's carbon market through the Green Investment Fund. The challenge will position Ontario as a global leader in building a low-carbon future while supporting job growth and strengthening the economy.

Indirect Costs

Not Eligible


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please include a signed OR5 form and submit your application to the Office of Research at resserv@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

​All entries must be submitted using the online portal and can be saved and re-loaded using a unique code which will be sent to your email after registering.

How to Apply

Eligible teams can apply through the Solutions 2030 online application portal by September 22, 2017. Selected teams will be awarded funding to take their transformative idea through prototype and demonstration stages in Ontario. International applicants are expected to establish a significant presence in the province and help Ontario meet its greenhouse gas targets beyond 2030.

For Questions, please contact

Lauren Souch
Minister's Office
Phone: 416-326-9376
Email: lauren.souch@ontario.ca

Office of Research

Carolyn Osborn, Director, Research Support Services
Research Services Office

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Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

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Physical Sciences and Engineering