Updated Information

RSVP date extended to May 3rd.  Poster added.

Monday May 7, 2018 10:00am to 11:30am
University Centre (UC), Room 442

Please RSVP by May 3, 2018, to Patti Minakis pminakis@uoguelph.ca if you plan to attend this event.

Space is limited: thank you for your RSVP to ensure adequate seating and hospitality.



A unique opportunity for all U of G faculty and researchers to connect with a visiting representative from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), based in Ottawa.

Tim Wilson, Executive Director, Research Grants and Partnerships Division, will provide an overview of the agency's directions, key changes and grant program updates, followed by an opportunity for questions and answers (Q&A).

    10:00 am   Welcome by John Livernois, Associate Vice-President, Research Services, University of Guelph

    ​10:05 am   Presentation by Tim Wilson, Executive Director, Research Grants and Partnerships Division, SSHRC

    10:45 am   Q&A Session


This event is hosted by the Office of Research Services in collaboration with the College of Arts, College of Business and Economics, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, and the Ontario Agricultural College.

Poster for SSHRC visit

Download poster for printing/distribution.

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Social Sciences