
Swine Innovation Porc


Call for Project Ideas - Improving Swine Welfare in Canada


Swine Innovation Porc (SIP) and Canadian Pork Council (CPC) have joined together to support new research and development projects that will address specific and targeted welfare priorities. Canadian pork producers will invest $150,000 in industry contribution funding in order to support projects that will show tangible and immediate impacts on the industry. Pork producers are particularly interested in evidence-based support for the planned 2024 review of the Codes of Practice for the Care and Handling of Pigs.

Researchers from academia, industry, government or not-for-profit organizations are invited to submit project ideas related to improving swine welfare and assisting the industry in addressing social responsibility priorities while supporting continued economic viability. The targeted research priorities are:

  • Developing/updating methods for euthanasia (individual and mass destruction).
  • Strategies and evaluation of environmental enrichment, particularly for sows during gestation and farrowing.
  • Assessing/monitoring risk factors associated with sow mortality and developing mitigation strategies .
  • Developing pain management strategies for postpartum sows.
  • Improving trailer design for better animal welfare (assessment and enhancement of pig welfare during transport).

For details on eligibility, research priorities, evaluation criteria, timelines and the application process, please visit the Swine Innovation Porc website and view the application guidelines.

Funding Availability

Applicants are requested to demonstrate a strategy on how to best leverage up to $50,000 in pork producer funding with other sources of funding. However, exceptionally, stronger proposals requesting higher amounts may be considered. Examples of additional sources of funding may include:

  • Federal or provincial government programs (i.e.: NSERC Alliance program, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, etc.)
  • Private industry partners
  • Not-for-profit organizations.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Given that Canadian pork producers will invest in projects retained from this call for project ideas, requesting additional funds from provincial pork producer organizations is discouraged.

Indirect Costs


Special Notes

Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit a PDF copy of your application, along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Applicant to submit full application to info@swineinnovationporc.ca.

How to Apply

To submit an application, please complete the application form on the Swine Innovation Porc website. Completed forms should be submitted to info@swineinnovationporc.ca. The closing date for submitting applications is December 15, 2020, 4:00 pm EST. 

For Questions, please contact

Swine Innovation Porc


Office of Research

Vanessa Knox, Awards and Agreements Officer
Research Services Office

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