Updated Information

May 3, 2022 updates

  1.  Revised requirements for 1-page EDI statement (reference to positionality removed and requirement restated)
  2. Revised requirements for letters of reference (arm's length no longer required)
  3. Clarified process for short-listed candidates

Note: This position is open only to University of Guelph tenured or tenure-track faculty members who are members of one or more of the four equity seeking groups designated by the Employment Equity Act (women, persons with disabilities, Indigenous peoples, and racialized groups).



Canada Research Chairs


NSERC Tier 1

For More Information

For more information on the position, please see the Faculty Opportunities page.


The University of Guelph invites applications for an NSERC CRC Tier 1 Chair from University of Guelph tenured or tenure-track faculty members who are members of one or more of the four equity seeking groups designated by the Employment Equity Act (women, persons with disabilities, Indigenous peoples, and racialized groups). This is an internal search, limited to faculty members who currently hold a tenured appointment at the University of Guelph, or who have a firm offer of tenured employment to the University that takes effect by July 1, 2022.

The search committee has been constituted in accordance with the University's CRC policies and procedures and to mirror Article 19.12.1 (Exceptional Searches) and will be chaired by Dr. Todd Duffield.


Tier 1 Chairs, tenable for seven years and renewable once, are for outstanding researchers acknowledged by their peers as world leaders in their fields.

Maximum Project Value

For each Tier 1 Chair, the institution receives $200,000 annually for seven years. This can be used for salary, operating, and administrative expenses. 

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

A Tier 1 Chair is held for seven  years, renewable once.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Assessment of applications will begin on May 20, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled. 

How to Apply

Assessment of applications will begin on May 20, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled. Interested applicants should submit the following materials (preferably as a single PDF file):

  1. A full curriculum vitae
  2. An Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion statement (one-page) that describes the applicant’s past experience with attracting and mentoring a diverse group of students, trainees and research personnel, and establishing an equitable and inclusive research environment.
  3. A four-page (maximum) statement that includes:
    • An overview of the applicant’s research proposal, including knowledge mobilization and any innovation activities
    • How the proposed research embeds EDI considerations at each stage of the research process
    • Alignment with U of G’s Strategic Research Plan and existing or emerging areas of research strength
  4. Names and contact information for three references. These references may be in conflict of interest (e.g. collaborators, former supervisors). Referees of short-listed candidates will be contacted by the Office of Research Services and asked for letters of reference that meet the CRC letters of reference criteria for organization and follow the CRC program best practices to avoid bias.

All materials should be submitted by email to stratprg@uoguelph.ca  with the subject line "Special Call CRC NSERC Tier 1".

Collection of self-identification data is a requirement of the CRC Program, and all applicants to CRC positions are required to complete the University’s self-identification form, the Applicant Tracking Questionnaire. While the questionnaire includes an option “prefer not to answer,” applicants for this position must self-identify as belonging to at least one group in order to be considered. Self-identification information is collected by the Office of Diversity and Human Rights (ODHR) in support of the University's employment equity program. All self-identification specifics of candidates will be kept confidential by the ODHR.

The committee will consider the CRC selection criteria related to “quality of the nominee” in its evaluation of candidates. Short-listed candidates will be invited to interview and to provide a presentation open to the University community. Both interview and presentation will be online.

For Questions, please contact

Office of Research

Ailsa Kay, Manager, Strategic Research Programs
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x58321

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