


Discovery Grants


NSERC provided an update regarding the timing of the next cohort of Discovery Grant COVID-19 Extension with Funds (i.e. funded extensions). The process will follow the same rollout as last round, which involves the following key dates: 

  • Early to mid-June: Office of Research Services (ORS) will receive a list of eligible awardees for 2022. At the same time, these eligible awardees will be notified by NSERC (not ORS) that they will receive an automated message for their action/response (same time as ECR extension with funds offers). 
  • Mid to late June: Eligible awardees will be sent an automated message from an NSERC Sharepoint site for their action/response.
  • September 15: Deadline for eligible awardees to respond to offer to NSERC directly.
  • End October: Notices of amendments for those that accepted the extension will be provided to ORS and simultaneously sent to awardees via email. ORS will amend the affected accounts based on the revised documentation.
For Questions, please contact

For more information on eligibility and general process, please consult the FAQ webpage regarding this funded extension.  

Office of Research

Vanessa Knox, Awards and Agreements Officer
Research Services Office

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