Updated Information

The deadline has been changed to Friday, May 21, 2021 at 4:30 pm.


The Transition Accelerator


Transition Pathways – Research Funding Opportunity


The Transition Accelerator is looking to collaborate with researchers across the country interested in developing transformational pathways to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. They will be awarding small grants to support pathways scoping studies.

The Transition Accelerator seek submissions for projects that can help define credible, compelling, and capable pathways across Canada. These can be local, sub-regional, or regional in scope, and should be anchored in the Accelerator’s pathways methodology.

They welcome proposals that apply The Transition Accelerator methodology in domains that fall inside or outside our existing priorities (building decarbonization, electric vehicle market penetration, electrification and grid Integration, and Canada’s hydrogen economy). Proposals in domains not related to existing priorities should nevertheless be in areas that:

  • Have the potential to lead to substantial GHG reductions
  • Are experiencing other social and economic issues/roadblocks; and
  • Contain willing partners and agents of change.


Applicants must be affiliated with a Canadian university, research institution or thinktank. Applications may involve investigators at more than one institution. The principal investigator must not already have received funding from the Transition Accelerator. Projects may involve societal partners.

Funding Availability

Up to three proposals will be selected and awarded a maximum of $20,000 each. They regard these scoping studies as an entry point to potential long-term collaboration with The Transition Accelerator to fully develop novel pathways. The Accelerator will be open to working with teams involved with successful projects to secure long term funding to support larger initiatives.

Indirect Costs


Special Notes

Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit your application, along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Application to be sent to: pathwayrfp@transitionaccelerator.ca

How to Apply


There is no application form. Proposals should include the following elements:

  1. Project summary (max 4 pages) that addresses:
  • Systemic presentation of the problem, and the potential to lead to substantial GHG reduction
  • Understanding of potential solutions
  • Objectives of the project
  • How this project will apply the pathways methodology
  • Potential for scaling up
  • Role of the partner(s) and/or agent(s) of change collaborating on this project, if applicable
  • Timeline of the project
  1. CV of the applicants (max 2 pages)
  2. Letter of support from the partner(s)/agent(s) of change, if applicable.

Submission Procedures and Deadlines

  • Files should be sent to pathwayrfp@transitionaccelerator.ca
  • Files submitted must be in PDF format.
  • File items must be clearly and consistently identified; it is recommended that only one file containing all requested items be submitted.
  • All text should be single-spaced in 11-point Ariel font.
  • Proposal can be submitted in English or in French
For Questions, please contact

The Transition Accelerator 

Participants may submit questions (no later than May 28, 2021) via email to pathwayrfp@transitionaccelerator.ca

Office of Research

Kristin Zimmermann, Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office

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