


The Canada Research Coordinating Committee (CRCC) has reaffirmed its commitment to the calls to action by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and has prioritized the need for the federal research granting agencies to co-develop, with Indigenous communities, a strategic plan to grow the capacity of Indigenous communities to conduct research and partner with the broader research community.  SSHRC was allocated budget to support tri-agency engagement activities with Indigenous organizations and the research community to meet this priority.  One of these activities is online engagement hosted on a platform called GCcollab.

Participation will require the creation of a GCcollab account. Detailed instructions are provided in a tutorial document describing how to participate on GCcollab, a platform launched a few years ago to stimulate academic and public sector networking and collaboration. If you do not already have a GCcollab account, please send an email to Indigenous-Autochtone@sshrc-crsh.gc.ca. Once you have created a GCcollab account and joined the Strengthening Indigenous Research Capacity (SIRC) online group, you are encouraged to participate in the dialogue. The online engagement platform will be monitored daily.

You are also encouraged to return frequently to share your insights on topics of interest related to Indigenous research and reconciliation, as well as to share relevant information and resources through this platform.

In addition to enabling participation in online discussions related to Indigenous research, the platform will serve as a mechanism to update this online community on additional engagement activities that are underway, including: a series of tri-agency and Indigenous partner-led activities, such as workshops and roundtable discussions; as well as activities being organized by recipients of Indigenous Research Capacity and Reconciliation Connection Grants, to be announced at the end of October, 2018.

You can also follow and take part in the discussion on Twitter: #TRC65CRCC, #CVR65CCRC, @SSHRC_CRSH, @CIHR_IRSC, @NSERC_CRSNG


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

This initiative is being hosted on the GCcollab platform until January 5, 2019.


PDF icon GC Collab Tutorial SIRC (English) Sep 12 Launch_FINAL.docx.pdf492.93 KB
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