
Formerly Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT), now the Data, Research and Innovation Division, Ministry of Colleges and Universities


In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Ministry is implementing a series of temporary policy and procedural amendments to support researchers currently receiving funding from Ontario Research Fund (ORF) and Early Researcher Award (ERA) programs:

  • The Ministry recognizes that in some cases costs may have be incurred related to salaries or stipends for individuals that have been recommended or required to self-isolate, and/or may be unable to work or telework for reasons related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Provided these expenses would otherwise have been eligible to be paid out of an existing ORF or ERA grant, these can be paid from current project funds.
  • Any ORF and ERA projects with annual and/or financial reporting due dates between April 1, 2020 and July 31, 2020 will have the deadline extended to September 30, 2020.
  • Travel cancellation/rescheduling costs resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak are eligible project expenditures within the contracted funding allocation. The Ministry will continue to assess what other unanticipated project costs will be considered eligible.
  • The Ministry recognizes that communications with private sector partners (PSPs) may be difficult at this time. If this is impacting your project’s financial reporting, please contact stratprg@uoguelph.ca  and Shaun Wilson (Research Financial Services).  They will reach out to the appropriate Ministry program representative to discuss.
For Questions, please contact

Office of Research

Patricia Van Asten, Awards & Agreements Officer, Strategic Research Programs
Research Services Officestratprg@uoguelph.ca

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