Updated Information

New External Deadline: from April 30, 2020 to June 4, 2020
New Internal Deadline: from September 15, 2020 to October 6, 2020
New External Deadline: from September 22, 2020 to October 13, 2020


Weston Brain Institute


Transformational Research: Canada 2020 (Parkinson's and Related Diseases)


Neurodegenerative diseases of aging are among the least understood and most undertreated diseases today. If ignored, the social and economic costs of managing these diseases will continue to rise. Meeting these challenges requires pioneering approaches to accelerating treatments. The Transformational Research: Canada program funds transformative, novel, high-risk, high-reward translational research projects.

Goal: To provide funding for translational research that will accelerate the development of therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases of aging.

Continuing for 2020:

  • For the Transformational Research: Canada 2019 program, no preliminary data is required; instead it can be collected as an initial milestone with well defined, quantifiable go/no-go criteria. The structure of the project and budget should match the quality of the preliminary data.
  • Expanding the type of complementary approaches eligible for funding to other lifestyle interventions including but not limited to: speech therapy, cognitive therapy, music therapy, social interaction, if these applications meet our other scope criteria and have specific supportive evidence/justification (from published literature or unpublished data) to warrant further investigation.
  • Encouraging applications that bring in other fields such as: AI, big data, machine learning, data science, and computer science.


Applicant Eligibility: Eligible Principal Applicants must be researchers working in Canada at least 30% of the time at or above the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent, and be affiliated with a Canada Revenue Agency-qualified donee institution located in Canada. Co-Applicants/Collaborators must be at the post-doctoral level or above and can be working outside Canada.

Applicants may appear in any role on any number of projects.

Project Eligibility: Projects must meet the following conditions to be eligible:

  • Be translational research (excluding clinical trials and clinical trial sub-studies) that accelerates the development of therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases of aging.
    • Clinical trials and clinical trial sub-studies should be submitted to the Early-Phase Clinical Trials or Rapid Response programs; however other translational research using humans or human samples/data is in scope.
  • Be the development of a therapeutic and/or tool and/or select complementary approaches (Please refer to the Program Details for more information on complementary approaches that are in scope)

The project structure (i.e. the frequency and detail of the go/no go milestones) and the quality of the preliminary data should commensurate with the size of budget. For example: A project requesting $1,500,000 for 3 years should have strong preliminary data and multiple go/no-go milestones, whereas a project requesting $300,000 could have minimal preliminary data and less frequent milestones.

Maximum Project Value

Projects can be from $300,000 to $1,500,000.

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Up to three years.

Special Notes

Please refer to What We Fund for Institute definitions of neurodegenerative diseases of aging, translational research, therapeutic/tool, and complementary approaches.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

External Deadline

The Institute will hold a Program Information Webinar for each disease focus, to provide further details on the program and answer any questions. However, if you have questions specific to your project, please contact info@westonbrain.org.

External Deadline

LOI must be submitted directly to Weston Brain Institute through the online grants management system.

Internal Deadline

Applicants invited to submit a full proposal after the LOI review stage will be notified by Weston Brain Institute. Applicants invited to the Full Proposal stage must submit a copy of their full proposal draft, including budget and signed OR-5, to the Office of Research Services (research.services@uoguelph.ca) a minimum of one-week prior to the deadline to submit a full proposal to Weston Brain Institute. 

External Deadline

Full proposals must be submitted directly to Weston Brain Institute through the online grants management system.

How to Apply

The application process consists of two stages: Letters of Intent (LOIs) and Proposals. To apply, applicants must submit an LOI to the Institute. Selected applicants will then be invited to submit a Proposal.

Applications must be submitted directly to Weston Brain Institute through the online grants management system.

For more details on the program and application process, visit their website.

Information For Co-applicants

If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead institution for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days in advance of the lead institution’s deadline to review the application, or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research (contact information below) ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).


PDF icon Transformational Research Program Details817.5 KB
For Questions, please contact

The Institute encourages applicants to contact them with any questions regarding the program, including whether a potential idea is in scope.

For questions related specifically to the Parkinson's & Related Diseases program, please contact Matthew Sacheli.

Office of Research

Vanessa Knox, Awards and Agreements Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences