
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)


2018 Grants Competition

For More Information

For more information please visit the WSIB 2018 Grant competition call on the WSIB website for:

WSIB Grants Program Application form

Proposal Instructions

2018 Grants Agenda


The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) is committed to delivering exceptional programs and services for Ontario’s workers and employers. The WSIB facilitates return-to-work and recovery when a work-related injury or occupational disease occurs. The WSIB mandate also includes promoting health and safety in the workplace and providing compensation and other benefits when return-to-work cannot be achieved.  The Grants Program contributes to the WSIB’s mandate by supporting highly practical research studies and training initiatives from leading experts. WSIB grants address current and emerging issues and strengthen Ontario’s workers’ compensation system now and in the future.

The Grants Program will enhance workers’ compensation system outcomes by supporting innovative proposals that are aligned to the WSIB’s mandate and strategic objectives. This will be accomplished through highly practical research studies and training initiatives that resolve long-standing barriers or address emerging issues.

The WSIB Grants Program accepts the following types of proposals:
1. Research Proposals

  • Expert research proposals that deliver practical results for the workers’ compensation system
    • Results will lead to policy, program and practice improvements
    • Proposals for systematic reviews will also be considered
  • Workplace-based projects that involve collaborations between the workplace, researchers and organizations
    •  Proposals may include implementing completed research, piloting programs, and conducting evaluations to improve outcomes

2. Training Proposals

  • Initiatives that help workers, employers and the compensation system resolve long-standing barriers
  • Innovative opportunities that build capacity in the community and offer significant potential to improve compensation system results


Publicly funded universities and colleges.

Master’s or PhD students conducting research at a Canadian institution are eligible to submit a proposal as a Secondary Lead. The Project Lead must be an expert researcher who agrees to supervise the student and accept accountability for grant management and performance.

Maximum Project Value

The maximum grant length is two years (24 months). The maximum funding request is up to $200,000/year for a total maximum budget of $400,000. The WSIB does not renew grants for the same grant purpose. Applicant organizations may submit more than one distinct proposal for consideration during each application cycle.

Indirect Costs



If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit your OR5 and initial proposal to research.services@uoguelph.ca 

External Deadline

Researchers will be responsible for submitting their initial proposal directly to the sponsor for the deadline.  Please note the initial proposal requires a University signature prior to submission.  WSIB will invite applicants to submit a detailed proposal.

For researchers invited to the detailed proposal stage, please submit your detailed proposal to the Office of Research for review five business days prior to the sponsors deadline.

How to Apply

This competition is a two stage application process: Initial Proposal and Detailed Proposal.   The WSIB will invite researchers to submit a detailed proposal.

All applicants must complete Sections 1-7 of the Initial Proposal Form. Email a signed copy of the completed proposal to grants@wsib.on.ca on or before 4:00 p.m. on February 20, 2018. Hard copies of the application are not required.

Print one copy of the signature page (digital signatures allowed) and send by the deadline to:

WSIB Grants Program c/o WSIB Reference Library (17th floor)
Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Simcoe Place
200 Front Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 3J1

Proposals received after the deadline will not be included in the application and selection process. Incomplete proposals will not be accepted.

For Questions, please contact


Matthew Mayer, Manager, Strategic Research
Phone: 416-344-6653

Office of Research

Meghan Grimes, Awards and Agreements Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences