
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)


Systematic review: Occupational exposure to allergens and irritants and the development of occupational asthma


The WSIB is seeking applications for a new funding competition. The WSIB Grants Program will be awarding one successful application for a systematic review of the scientific evidence for a causal association between occupational exposure to allergens and irritants and the development of occupational asthma.

Outcomes from the systematic review may be considered by the WSIB to determine whether the scientific evidence meets the recommended standards for scheduling, policy development or to underpin adjudicative support in case-by-case decision-making.

The review must address:

  • occupations of concern (e.g., auto industry workers (i.e., manufacturing and repair), food industry workers (i.e., bakers, seafood workers), painters, welders and metal forming workers, agricultural workers, wood workers, health care workers, cleaners and janitorial workers, printing industry), and

  • occupational exposures (i.e., allergens or irritants) of concern (e.g., isocyanates, metal dust and fumes, flour dust, wood dust, molds, aldehydes, acrylates, metal working fluids, cleaning agents, paints, solvents, fumes, adhesives/epoxy/glues, allergenic non-offset sprays in the printing industry)


The research team will require a minimum of three (3) team members including:

  • At least one member with a doctorate in epidemiology
  • At least one member who has formal training in toxicology or industry hygiene (Masters Level or PhD) 
  • At least one member of the team must have demonstrated experience conducting systematic reviews including meta-analyses related to disease etiology

In addition, the ideal research team may also include at least one member who is a MD with a specialization in occupational medicine or respiratory medicine.

Expert researchers affiliated with an eligible applicant organization: 

  • Publicly funded universities or colleges 
  • Public hospitals with a specialized research area 
  • Not-for-profit or registered charitable organizations with the capability and capacity to conduct research 
  • Canadian non-governmental organizations with the capability and capacity to conduct research 
  • Other organizations that have the capability and capacity to conduct research and are not privately owned and operated may also be eligible for a WSIB grant. 

Funding Availability

One grant will be awarded in the amount of $175,000 for a term of up to 18 months.

Indirect Costs



If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit your application along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca.

External Deadline

Applications to be submitted by applicant to WSIB.

How to Apply

To express interest and obtain an application form, please email grants@wsib.on.ca

Please review Proposal Instructions.

For Questions, please contact



Office of Research

Kristin Zimmermann, Senior Grants & Contracts Specialist
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x56257

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