
 Canadian High Arctic Research Station’s (CHARS)

For More Information


CHARS Website



The Canadian High Arctic Research Station’s (CHARS) pan-northern S&T program has launched its’ first call for Proposals. This first CFP’s will initiate elements of the CHARS program by requesting proposals that will: strengthen monitoring in northern Canada; and fill research gaps in northern regions of significant resource development. For the purposes of CHARS, Canada’s Arctic is defined as the lands and waters that lie north of the permafrost line.


Faculty members at Canadian universities


Funding Availability

Total funding: $2.0 million available for 2015-16; $2.5 million for 2016-17; $2.5 million for 2017-18

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Proposals can be single or multi-year up to three years.

Special Notes

CHARS’ requires that all funded projects be carried out in partnership with Northerners. Scientists are encouraged to work with community leaders, Elders, hunters and other knowledgeable individuals to incorporate traditional knowledge into the design and conduct of the study. Community input to the research is important, as are sensitive and sound researcher-community relations.



If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline
  • Internal Deadline: Letters of Intent: January 12, 2015 11:59 pm (noon) EST OR-5 form not required for LOI. Project Leader submits LOI (1 page maximum) by email to: CHARS Secretariat at CHARS-SCREA@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca using the following text as the Subject: CHARS Letter of Intent 2015-16 – (insert the name of Project Leader). Please note compressed files cannot be submitted. Letters received after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • Full Proposals: Internal Deadline: Feb. 17, 2015 PI submits signed OR-5 along with full application package to: Research.Services@uoguelph.ca.
External Deadline


External Deadline: Feb. 23 2015 11:59 (noon) EST. Project Leader submits application package (maximum size 10 MB. PI to copy all team members on the submission to: CHARS Secretariat (see email above) Late applications will not be accepted. 

For Questions, please contact

  CHARS Secretariat (General enquiries)
Martin Tremblay
Environmental Policy Analyst
Canadian High Arctic Research Station
Tel: 819 9334-1152

Strengthening Monitoring In Northern Canada
Donald McLennan, Head of Monitoring
Tel: 819 934-1156

Research in Northern Regions of Significant Resource Development
Mike Gill, Senior Science Advisor, CHARS
Tel: 613 402-4935
Email: mike.gill@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

Office of Research

Annette Clarke, Grants Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Information and Communications Technology
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social Sciences