
Cancer Research Society (CRS)


Operating Grants Competition

For More Information

Please see the sponsor’s website for more information including the Letter of Intent form and instructions.


The Operating Grants competition is the principal means by which the Cancer Research Society fulfills its mission to support fundamental, early translational and Environment-Cancer research on all types of cancer in order to contribute to the advancement of science aimed at preventing, detecting and treating this disease.

The Cancer Research Society is also pleased to offer additional operating grants to the scientific community through their regular competition.  These grants on specific types of cancer are in addition to the regular operating grants applicable to the broad field of cancer.  The funding of these specific grants is made possible thanks to significant collaborations that the Cancer Research Society has developed over the last years with valuable partners.  If you apply for a specific grant award, you must check the designated box or boxes on the Letter of Intent and Application forms. You will be required to justify, on the Application form, how your project applies to the specific area(s) of research you selected.


All applicants and co-applicants must hold an academic appointment in a Canadian university or accredited institution.  Collaborators may be from outside of Canada however no funds from the Cancer Research Society can be transferred outside of the country.  All applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.  Candidates in postdoctoral training are not eligible.  Research associates are not eligible.

Maximum Project Value


Indirect Costs


Project Duration

2 years

Special Notes

This competition is a 2-stage submission process:  a mandatory Letter of Intent (LOI) and Full Application.  Subject to the acceptance of the letter of intent, the Cancer Research Society will invite applicants to submit an official grant application. Applicants will be able to access the application form online on December 18, 2015.

Letter of Intent External Deadline

PI’s are to submit their Letter of Intent directly to the sponsor at grants@src-crs.ca by Monday, December 7, 2015, midnight.

Full Proposal Internal Deadline

Please submit your application/proposal, along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca by Wednesday, February 10, 2016., 4:30 p. m.

Full Proposal (if invited) External Deadline

Wednesday, February 17, 2016, midnight.

How to Apply

Upon approval from the Office of Research Services, PI’s are to submit their full proposal directly to the sponsor.  Details to be advised by the Cancer Research Society at time of full proposal invitation.

For Questions, please contact

Lucille Beaudet, Program Officer
Cancer Research Society
Tel: 514-861-9227, ext. 234 or Toll-free: 1-888-776-2262, ext. 234
Email: grants@src-crs.ca

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences