


Canada Europe Joint Funding Initiative


Canada/France Program call for proposals The main goal of the Canada/France program is to strengthen biomedical research in Canada, Alsace and Rhone-Alpes   by aligning scientific resources and expertise.   The collaborative program gives the opportunity for private and public organizations based in Canada, Alsace and Rhone-Alpes to expand into new markets.   This program is not intended to fund research on new drugs for specific therapeutic segments. Rather it is meant to finance the development of novel and potentially transformative next-generation technologies with an immediate and strong impact on the drug discovery and/ or development process.   This program promotes creativity, innovation multi disciplinarity and collaborative efforts between academic institutions and private organizations.


Must include a strong collaboration between at least one research entity (academic or private) in Canada and at least one private entity in Alsace and/or Rhone-Alpes.

Funding Availability

Maximum $700,000 in Canada and equivalent in France.

Indirect Costs


Special Notes

Licensing Policy  
  • A research agreement must be signed by all research entities involved in the project within 3 months after the funding confirmation.
  • Intellectual property generated under this funding program will be managed according to the policies of the financial partners involved.
  • A licence option will be granted to the CQDM industrial sponsors (currently Merck and Pfizer and their subsidiaries) for the use of the results for R&D purposes only.  The main conditions of the end user license option will be negotiated before the beginning of the project and will take into account pre- existing IP as well as contribution from each party.
  • CDQM industrial sponsors will have no rights to commercialize the IP resulting from the project or the pre-existing IP.

Internal Deadline

If applying for a full proposal please send a copy  along with a signed OR5 form to the Research Services email address at resserv@uoguelph.ca two weeks in advance of the date you intend to submit externally. It is not necessary to submit your letter of intent internally.

External Deadline

The Canada/France Program is open all year long.  Candidates can submit letters of intent any time, by using the form available on the Call for Proposals. Full proposals are by invitation only.

How to Apply

Please refer to the Phase 1 application and Final Selection information and forms.

Each research proposal must: 
  • Include strong collaboration between at least one research entity (public or private) in Canada and at least one private entity in Alsace and/or Rhone-Alpes.  Please note that in Alsace and/or Rhone-Alpes, only private entities are eligible to apply. In Canada the participation of a private organization is highly encouraged and preferred, but not mandatory.
  • Generate clear deliverables with immediate applications in the drug discovery and/or development process of new drugs.
  • Be highly innovative with a strong and wide potential impact on biopharmaceutical research.
  • When an SME is involved, be aligned with the business plan and have an impact on its corporate objectives.
For Questions, please contact

Marc Thibault
Director of Programs
514-766-6661, ext. 2190
mthibault@cqdm.org (email address)

Office of Research

Linda McCorkindale, Contracts Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Physical Sciences and Engineering