
Ferrero Trading Lux S.A.


Ferrero Hazelnut Award

For More Information

Please complete the application form and submit to the Sponsor in accordance with the submission instructions in the program guidelines.

For more information:  please visit the program’s website for



The  Ferrero  Award  is  aimed  at  supporting and improving Research and Innovation in the Hazelnut industry, from field to industrial use in all its agricultural, technical, quality, etc., aspects.  Funding will be provided to three (3) project ideas.


Universities and not-for-profit institutions of higher education.

Funding Availability

Total funding available for the program is 160,000 distributed as follows:

  • 150,000 to the top rated project idea, to be paid in three annual installments:
    • € 50,000 upon signing of the funding contract;
    • € 50,000 12 months after the signing of the contract;
    • € 50,000 24 months after the signing of the contract.
  • 5,000 to the 2nd place project idea;
  • 5,000 to the 3rd  place project idea.

Indirect Costs


Special Notes

All project ideas must be original and cannot conflict in any manner whatsoever with third parties rights, including but not limited to intellectual property rights.

At the time of award notification, selected projects must transfer all intellectual property rights to Ferrero Trading Lux S.A. (which includes inventions, designs, new varieties of plants, copyright and know-how).


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit your application, along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline
For Questions, please contact


Office of Research

Meghan Grimes, Awards and Agreements Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Information and Communications Technology