
Genome Canada & CIHR


2015 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Competition

For More Information

Please see the Ontario Genomics’ website for more information including the link to the registration form.


Ontario Genomics is pleased to announce that Genome Canada, in partnership with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), is seeking proposals for research projects to address any aspect of bioinformatics and computational biology (B/CB) as it relates to genomics.  Proposals with applications across all of Genome Canada’s sectors are welcome. These include agriculture & agri-food, fisheries & aquaculture, forestry, energy, environment, human health and mining.  The major objectives of this Request for Applications (RFA) are to:

  • support the development of next generation Bioinformatics and Computational Biology tools and methodologies that will be required by the research community to deal with the influx of large amounts of data produced by modern genomics technologies; and,
  • provide broad access of these new Bioinformatics and Computational Biology tools to the research community.  



Research teams may include as co-applicants international, private sector (for-profit organizations), or federal laboratory scientists.  However, Genome Canada funding is restricted to work performed within Genome Canada eligible institutions, i.e., Genome Canada will not support research to be undertaken outside Canada, in for-profit organizations or in federal labs, except for costs incurred based on a reasonable fee-for-service arrangement or contract.

To be eligible for this competition, proposals must meet the following requirements:

  • The proposal must respond to the objectives of the competition
  • The essential components and outcomes of the proposed project must be sufficiently targeted to the requirements of the genomics research community

All applications are expected to propose new approaches to data analysis & data interpretation in the area of genomics, including development of software tools and algorithms. Of particular interest will be proposals addressing problems associated with current data handling and analysis and proposals addressing challenges arising from handling and analysis of data emerging from new technologies. Such tools & methods, in the long term, are expected to underpin Canada’s national B/CB strategy and will help the Canadian research community in maximizing the impact of data generated by new & future ‘omics technologies.  In order to maximize the effectiveness of this RFA in advancing B/CB & its application to genomics in Canada, sharing of resources and expertise through inter-regional or international collaboration is encouraged at all levels.

Funding Availability

$4 million of federal funding is available for this competition, including $2 million through Genome Canada and $2 million through CIHR’s Roadmap Accelerator Fund. 

Maximum Project Value

$250,000 per project (this will be provided by Genome Canada, CIHR or a combination of the two).  Projects requiring less than $125,000 will not be considered unless well justified.  Co-funding is NOT required.

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Up to 2 years

Special Notes

In order to better prepare Ontario-led projects for this competition, Ontario Genomics (OG) will do an initial eligibility assessment of registrations and will coordinate an external review of eligible applications prior to submission to Genome Canada. Please note that to accommodate this process the deadlines for submission to Ontario Genomics differ from those in the official RFA from Genome Canada. Eligible applicants will receive feedback on their applications including gaps and areas for improvement.

Ontario Researchers intending to submit an application are strongly encouraged to contact Ontario Genomics to discuss details of the competition such as scope and application process.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit a copy of your final registration to research.services@uoguelph.ca.  An OR-5 is not required at this stage but applicants who do submit one at this time will NOT be required to re-submit a new one at the Full Application stage.

Note:  you will work with Ontario Genomics (OG) on the preparation of your registration beforehand.  The Draft Registration is due via email (funding@ontariogenomics.ca) to OG by Monday November 30, 2015 at 12:00 pm and Final Registration by Wednesday December 9, 2015 at 9:00 am.

Applicants who are invited to submit a Full Application should plan to submit an OR-5 form (if not previously submitted at Registration stage) & a copy of their application at least 2 weeks prior to Ontario Genomic’s deadline (TBA). Applicants should plan for a submission to Office of Research Services no later than Friday February 12, 2016.

External Deadline

If invited, full applications will be due to Genome Canada by Friday March 4,2016.

Full applications: deadline to Ontario Genomics TBD (at a minimum no later than Friday February 26, 2016).

How to Apply

Applicants are required to apply for funding through their regional Genome Centre .  

For Questions, please contact

Meredith McLaren, Manager, Research and Business Development
Ontario Genomics
Tel:  416-673-6562
Email:   mmclaren@ontariogenomics.ca

Office of Research

Katie Meyer Beck, Director, Research Services Office
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences