
Heart & Stoke Foundation Canada


The National New Investigator award is a salary award to support new investigators who have demonstrated excellence in their pre- and post- doctoral training and wish to establish their own research laboratory.


At the time of submission, no more than five (5) years may have passed since the date of the first faculty appointment at the Assistant or Clinical Assistant Professor level. This would include Adjunct positions in a research track for which the applicant is eligible to write a Grant-in-Aid (as a Principal Investigator). Must hold a PhD or equivalent degree.

Funding Availability


Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Four years and cannot be renewed for a second term.

Special Notes

A National New Investigator may not be in receipt of another major Personnel award (i.e. from another national funding agency) at the same time as holding a Personnel Award from HSF. Likewise, an awardee may not concurrently hold a Canada Research Chair and a HSF New Investigator award. In addition, an awardee may not hold two HSF Personnel Awards (national and provincial) concurrently. However, an awardee may accept supplemental funding (no greater than 50% of the value of the HSF award), if it is from a local or provincial funding source, providing it is not a HSF Provincial award.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit your application/proposal and OR5 form to research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

Must be post-marked/courier-stamped no later than September 14, 2015.

How to Apply

Applicants must submit directly to the Heart and Stroke Foundation (address below):

  • One (1) original (including signatures) collated Senior Personnel application (HSF Form R2)
  • One (1) USB stick containing one (1) PDF copy of the complete application. Refer to section 6.1 of the guidelines for the structure and format of PDF copy of the application

For more information, please go to the sponsor website.  Please read the HSF 2016-2017 National New Investigator Submission Guidelines carefully.

For Questions, please contact

Research Department
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
222 Queen Street, Suite 1402
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5V9
(613) 691-4050

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences