
Polar Knowledge Canada


Northern Scientific Training Program

For More Information

Student Manual
Online Services for submission of application and reports


The Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP) is administered by Polar Knowledge Canada (formerly Canadian Polar Commission). The program supports scientific training provided by Canadian universities which gives advanced students professional experience in the North and encourages them to develop a commitment to northern work. The Program aims to increase the number of graduate students and senior undergraduate students in Canadian universities who have specialized in some aspect of northern scientific studies and who have northern research experience.  The program supports projects that lie north of the southern limit of the discontinuous permafrost zone, with the addition of the Southern Yukon in the West; that section of Labrador south to and including Red Bay; and the other seven countries (Finland, Greenland (Denmark), Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the U.S.A. (Alaska).  An overview of the program and eligibility requirements is available at: Polar Knowledge Canada website


The program is primarily aimed at graduate students who are focusing on northern research. Senior undergraduates entering their final year and intending to undertake an Honours thesis based on northern fieldwork, or research which will be continued in subsequent graduate studies, are also eligible. Undergraduate students currently in their fifth year who are interested in the program should contact the Chairperson to discuss their eligibility. Both summer and winter projects are eligible. Field assistants will no longer be eligible, and the program does not support postdoctoral fellows. 

Funding Availability

The average allocation is between $2,500 and $3,000. NSTP funds are restricted. They are a supplement meant to offset the additional costs of northern research (e.g. transportation and living costs). At most, the budget requested from NSTP can represent 50% of the total field budget. Other funds must be fully explained. High per diems should be justified. Short stays in the north (<21 days) are discouraged and must be justified. Stays are normally 1-3 months in length.

Indirect Costs

Not applicable

Project Duration

Projects take place during the period of April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017. The field component of the research is typically 1 – 3 months in length. Students who were received funds during the period of April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016 must submit their reports to the Chairperson of the Northern Studies Committee by Nov. 6, 2015.   

Special Notes

Applications from individuals are not accepted at Polar Knowledge Canada. Applications must be made by the Sarah Adamowicz, Chairperson of Northern Studies Committee. 


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Student submits application along with a signed OR-5 (1 form per supervisor, even if multiple students are applying) to: Research.Services@uoguelph.ca, and submits the application using the interactive system.

External Deadline

Northern Studies Committee submits the package containing the applications for 2016-17, reports for funding in 2015-16, and required forms to Knowledge Polar Canada.

For Questions, please contact

Sarah Adamowicz,
Chairperson, Northern Studies Committee
sadamowi@uoguelph.ca Ext. 53055

Polar Knowledge Canada, Secretariat
Rhonda Turner

Nathalie Robillard-Bergeron

Office of Research

Annette Clarke, Grants Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Physical Sciences and Engineering