
Genome Canada


2016 Genomics Technology Platforms Competition

For More Information

More information, including the RFA and application documents, can be found?here.


This funding opportunity has two main objectives: 

  1. To select the technology platforms best able to provide Canadian researchers access to leading edge genomic technologies and methods. ? 

  1. To enable the selected platforms to develop new technologies and/or improve existing technologies that will improve services provided by the platform and will ensure that they remain at the forefront in providing access to leading edge genomics technologies and methods. 


To be eligible, each potential technology platform must fulfill all of the following criteria: 

  1. The platform must provide access to leading edge genomic technologies on a fee-for-service basis and show demand for services based on past, current and potential future projects. 

  1. The platform must be accessible to Canadian researchers from universities, federal and provincial governments, hospitals, not-for-profit and other public and private sector organizations across Canada, including researchers not associated with the platform’s host institution. 

  1. The lead applicant(s) must be affiliated with an eligible research institution. 

  1. The platform must demonstrate that an amount at least equal to the amount requested from Genome Canada will be secured through co-funding from other sources. Such co-funding must be scheduled to be expended at the platform during the period for which Genome Canada funds are provided, i.e., April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2022. In cases where such co-funding is associated with technology development, the co-funding must be allocated specifically for the proposed technology development project. 

  1. Any one facility (as determined by history of users, sharing of instruments, physical location, management of operations and finances, governance structure, or other factors) may submit one application. In cases where multiple omic services are provided within a single facility, applicants will be allowed to submit only one application that may include requests for funding for the provision of multiple omic services and/or technology development projects. 

  1. Any proposed technology development activities must be primarily conducted within the platform where the services offered will benefit from the results. 

Funding Availability

a maximum total envelope of $15 million per year for five years available from Genome Canada 

Maximum Project Value

$2 million per year over five years. 1:1 co-funding will be required. 

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Five years.

Special Notes

In cases where co-funding is associated with technology development, the co-funding must be allocated specifically for the proposed technology development project. Each potential technology platform must provide access to leading edge genomic technologies on a?fee-for-service basis?and show demand for services based on past, current and potential future projects. 

REGISTRATION INTERNAL DEADLINE to Office of Research Services: *Ontario Genomics does not require institutional signatures on Registrations. Institutional signatures and OR-5 form will thus only be required at the full application stage. 

REGISTRATION EXTERNAL DEADLINE to sponsor: September 6, 2016 


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

(Full application) to Office of Research Services: Please submit your final full application, along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

(Full application)

How to Apply

If you are interested in?applying for?this competition, please contact Kim Flock at kflock@ontariogenomics.ca for further details. 

For Questions, please contact

For more information, contact: 
Kim Flock, Ph.D. 
Manager, Research & Business Development 
Ontario Genomics 

Office of Research

Katie Meyer Beck, Director, Research Services Office
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences