Biotherapeutics for Cancer Treatment
For More Information
For more information, please go to the sponsor website.
BioCanRx is a new Network of Centres of Excellence with a mandate to accelerate Canada's most promising biologically based cancer treatments (immunotherapies and biotherapies) into clinical trials. BioCanRx funds late-stage research that demands collaboration among teams from across disciplines, across sectors and across Canada. The aim is to develop biotherapies in parallel and in combination to determine the most effective ways they can combat cancer to improve the quality and length of a person's life.
We are now accepting letters of intent for the following four research programs:
- Clinical Trials Program
- Enabling Studies Program
- Catalyst Program
- Clinical, Social and Economic Impact Program
Investigators located at Canadian Institutions eligible to receive peer-reviewed Tri council funding
Funding Availability
BioCanRx has $25 million in seed funding from the federal government's Networks of Centres of Excellence Program, and strong support from industry, the provinces and many national charities.
Indirect Costs
Special Notes
LETTER OF INTENT to sponsor directly: November 9, 2016 11:59 pm
INTERNAL DEADLINE If Invited to Office of Research: 1 week prior to external deadline
Please submit your application/proposal along with an OR5 form to research.services@uoguelph.ca
EXTERNAL DEADLINE If Invited to sponsor directly: communicated by sponsor