The Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and ArthritisFor More Information
For more information, please go to the CIHR website.
The purpose of the grant would be to build a collaborative network of researchers and research users. The network would be national in scope and would encourage interaction between researchers and stakeholders (“clinicians, decision-makers, industry, patients, and other knowledge-users outside of the academic community”).
Specific objectives for the ME/CFS project are:
• To create an interactive and coherent Canadian network in ME/CFS that will tackle, in a coordinated manner, the clinical research challenges posed by this spectrum of chronic disabling disorders.
• To develop multiple population-based patient cohorts for translational research in ME/CFS.
• To facilitate national collaboration, resource sharing, capacity building and dissemination in priority research areas.
• To provide the needed infrastructure around which to undertake therapeutic and diagnostic clinical studies in Canada. In addition, this network will set the stage for potential future international collaborations.
• To advance research uptake, training, and knowledge translation in ME/CFS across multiple disciplines with a focus on expediting knowledge uptake to mobilize and build the research community.
Eligibility: Independent researcher
- In addition to the NPA the Network must include a minimum of one representative from the following groups:
a. New investigator (i.e., an independent researcher within the first five years of their independent career)
b. Patient/family representatives/informal care providers
c. Health care professionals
- The Program must be national in scope. The program must include representation from all three regions: Western (BC, AB, SK, YT, NT) Central (MB, ON, NU) and Eastern (QC, NB, NL, NS, PE).
Funding Availability
Maximum amount $200,000/yr to fund approximately two grants.
**An additional 20% (minimum) of the total project amount requested must be supported by outside sources (the network) as cash and/or in-kind**
Indirect Costs
Project Duration
Up to 3 years
Special Notes
Networks already receiving federal funding support at the time of the funding start date are ineligible (e.g., Networks of Centre of Excellence Knowledge Mobilization, etc.).
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
Internal Deadline | Please submit your application/proposal along with an OR5 form to research.services@uoguelph.ca | |
External Deadline |
How to Apply
PI to submit a full application on-line using ResearchNet. Scan and upload the signed signature pages including the routing slip in the Print/Upload Signature Pages task in ResearchNet prior to submitting your application.