Updated Information

External deadline: November 30, 4:00 pm.


Grain Farmers of Ontario


Grain Farmers of Ontario targets research and innovation funding to opportunities that will enhance their farmer members returns. For the 2017 Call for Research Proposals GFO will  be accepting barley, corn, oat, soybean, and wheat proposals under four priority areas. The four areas are described in the Research Priorities document.  

  1. Agronomy & Production
  2. Weed, Disease & Insect Pests
  3. Breeding & Genetics
  4. Crop Utilization and Crop Quality

GFO is accepting all proposals in the areas listed but would like to highlight the following specific high priority areas for which they would like to target increased research investment:

  • Developing a through understanding of the economic and environmental benefits and/or dteriments of cover crops in field cropping systems.
  • Identifying and validating best management practices that ensure sufficient phosphorous fro the crop and mitigate phosphorous losses under the various tillage systems.
  • Identifying phosphorous management practices that ensure sufficient phosphorous for the frop and mitigate phosphorous losses under the various tillage systems.
  • Improving nitrogen recommendation models to better address supply and demand for nitrogen during the growing season, factoring the relevant effects of weather and soil type.
  • Developing new food or bio-products from barley, corn, oat, soybean, and/or wheat linked to existing and emerging market opportunities for use of Ontario grain.

Researchers seeking funding in 2017 must submit proposals using the Proposal and Budget Templates as outlined in the Call for Research Proposals, Proposal Submission Process on the Grain Farmers of Ontario Website.  http://gfo.ca/

Special Notes

PLEASE NOTE: The GFO has new proposal forms, you will need to include the Appendix B - Sign off form and a signed OR5 form with your proposal to Research Services Research.Services@uoguelph.ca by the internal deadline.

Please be advised that GFO may request, as part of the approval process, that a project be submitted to an additional funding program to secure matching funding. (Consult GFO for matching funding opportunities) 


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline
For Questions, please contact

Natalie Dimeo
Research Coordinator

Office of Research

Linda McCorkindale, Contracts Officer
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x56257

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Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences