
Heart & Stoke Foundation Canada

For More Information

For more information, please go to the sponsor website.  Please read the HSF 2017-2018 Grant-in-Aid Submission Guidelines carefully.


The HSF National New Investigator (NNI) award provides salary support to individuals who have clearly demonstrated excellence during their doctoral and post-doctoral training in cardiovascular or cerebrovascular research.

New Investigator awards are tenable in Canada only.


The applicant must have an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree and should clearly demonstrate the potential to become an independent investigator.

At the time of submission, no more than five (5) years may have passed since the date of the first faculty appointment at the Assistant or Clinical Assistant Professor level. This would include Adjunct positions in a research track for which the applicant is eligible to write a Grant-in-Aid as a Principal or Co-Principal Investigator.

Funding Availability

up to $65,000 per year 

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

Four years

Special Notes

The Foundation will be offering as part of the GIA and National New Investigator (NNI) program funding specifically targeted towards the improvement of the heart health for women.  Applicants applying for this opportunity will also be considered in the regular pool of GIA and/or NNI applications.  Guidelines for application are identical to the GIA and/or NNI except where otherwise indicated.  Please note, all other GIA and NNI guidelines and requirements apply (e.g. maximum number of applications eligible for submission).

•All applicants (irrespective of proposal focus) to the GIA and NNI programs are required to include a sex and gender-based analysis in their research design (or provide rationale as to why it would not be relevant to their project).


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

(due to long weekend)

Please submit your application/proposal and OR5 form to research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

How to Apply

PI’s to submit directly to H & S Foundation, Research Department, 22 Queen St., Suite 1402, Ottawa, ON K1P 5V9.  Application package must include 1 original (including signatures) application and 1 ISB stick containing 1 PDF copy of complete application.  Read the guidelines section 5.1.

For Questions, please contact

Research Department
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
 (613) 691-4050

Office of Research

Ornella McCarron, Grants Officer
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences