National Pork Board
Pork Safety, Quality and human Nutrition Committee
For More Information
The National Pork Board’s Pork Safety, Quality and Human Nutrition Committee is requesting pre-proposals in Human Nutrition research. The proposal process uses an initial letter of Intent (LOI) used for prescreening. Please see the specific research topics in the program information. All proposals submitted must address at least one of the specific research topics described below (See link below). Novel approaches and concepts to the research topics are encouraged.
Faculty members
Funding Availability
There are no exact funding limits for submitted proposals but the budget request should be appropriate and justified for the work that is being proposed. Researchers are encouraged to find matching funds or in-kind contributions for the project when possible.
Indirect Costs
Project Duration
Projects may be multi-year. For multi-year projects, expected deliverables and budgets should be broken down by year.
Special Notes
Letter of Intent - External Deadline
2 Pages maximum
September 15, 2016 6 pm by email to: BEveritt@pork.org. See link below for LOI format. Projects that are selected from the LOIs will be invited to submit a full proposal. Requests for full proposal application will be made by National Pork Board (NPB) by October 5, 2016.
Full Proposal
Internal Deadline
November 8, 2016 4:30 pm If Invited to submit a full proposal, send OR-5 form along with application to: Research.Services@uoguelph.ca
External Deadline
November 15, 2016 6 pm Applicant submits proposal via the National Pork Board website