


Research Tools & Instruments (RTI)

For More Information

For information relating to Research Tools and Instruments Grants specific to Subatomic Physics please refer to:
NSERC page Subatomic Physics Research Tools and Instruments Grants Program
NSERC page Subatomic Physics Major Resources Support Program
UG page Subatomic Physics Research Tools and Instruments Grants Program
UG page Subatomic Physics Major Resources Support Program

For more information, refer to NSERC’s program guidelines and Instructions.


Research Tools and Instruments (RTI) grants foster and enhance the discovery, innovation and training capability of university researchers in the natural sciences and engineering by supporting the purchase of research equipment. The RTI Grants Program provides the primary avenue to obtain up to $150,000 in support for research tools and instruments with a total net cost between $7,001 and $250,000 (excluding taxes, shipping and handling).



Please refer to NSERC’s overall eligibility criteria for more information. Applicants must:

  • Hold a minimum three-year appointment (fulltime, contract or adjunct) in an academic position with a firm offer in writing at the time of application; and
  • Hold or have applied for (submitted) Discovery, Strategic (Networks and Projects), CRD, or NSERC-funded Canada Research Chair funding

Note: There is no limit to number of applications an applicant may submit as the principal investigator, or as a co-investigator.

Maximum Project Value

NSERC will pay a portion or all of the applicable taxes as well as the shipping and handling expenses, as long as the overall grant does not exceed $150,000. The applicant will be responsible for any amount in excess of $150,000.

Indirect Costs


Project Duration

One year.

Special Notes

The University of Guelph was granted a quota of twenty-one (21) applications and as such may forward up to  21 applications in the upcoming NSERC RTI 2017 competition.

Each of the NSERC-eligible colleges (CBS, CPES, CSAHS, OAC and OVC) has been allocated a quota using similar allocation methodology to what NSERC uses to determine Guelph's total allocation. NSERC’s quotas were based on the number of grantees at an institution that hold NSERC awards relative to the total number of grantees at the national level, over a rolling 5-year average. The approved allocations by College for the 2017 competition are as follows: CBS – seven (7); CPES – six (6); CSAHS – one (1); OAC – five (5); and OVC – two (2).

Selection process, to occur at college level:

By September 12, 2016, 08:30 am, each college will have completed its internal selection of applicants and will provide to Office of Research Services by e-mail to research.services@uoguelph.ca with a cc to Annette Clarke, Grants Officer Research Support Services at acclarke@uoguelph.ca:

  • List #1: Names of applicants and co-applicants in consideration of their application quota (see above).
  • List #2: Names of applicants and co-applicants for an additional two (2) applications, in ranked order, to the Office of Research Services.
  • For those names provided in List #2, each college will provide drafts of the RTI applications to aid in any university-level ranking, if required (see below).
  • Copies of applicants’ and co-applicants’ formal appointment letters for those without regular full-time appointments (i.e. contractually-limited or adjunct professors).

Confirmation of applications to go forward, by ORS:

During the week of September 12-16, 2016, ORS will verify the eligibility of applicants and co-applicants and will identify applicants whose applications have been approved to go forward. If the number of eligible applications on List #1 falls short of 21, Research Services Sub-Committee will rank the additional applications from List #2 across colleges in order to fill the university’s overall quota of  21 applications.

Applicants will be invited and encouraged to attend a 1-1.5 hour long information session to be scheduled between September 20 and 22, 2016.

For information about the upcoming NSERC RTI Webinar on September 14, 2016, please see  http://www.uoguelph.ca/research/news/2016-06-08/nserc-hosting-webinars-how-complete-rti-application. For information on the upcoming U of G NSERC RTI Q&A Session on September 22, 2016, please see http://www.uoguelph.ca/research/events/2016/nserc-research-tools-and-instruments-qa-session



If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

Office of Research Services submits to NSERC.

How to Apply

The RTI program has transitioned to the Research Portal. To apply, sign in to the Research Portal to submit an Application, which must be linked to a completed NSERC Canadian Common CV (CCV) for each applicant and each co-applicant.  Applications are reviewed and submitted to NSERC by the Office of Research Services.

Note: If a cash or in-kind contribution towards the purchase of the equipment is provided by an organization (other than the applicant’s and/or co-applicants’ institution[s]), a letter from the organization confirming this commitment is required. Such letters must clearly explain the financial contribution that the organization will provide to the purchase of the equipment.

For Questions, please contact

NSERC – 613-995-5829

Office of Research

Annette Clarke, Grants Officer
Research Services Office
519-824-4120 x56927

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