The Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency (OSMA)
For More Information
The Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency (OSMA) invites researchers with project proposals that match Ontario Sheep’s Research priorities to complete the Letter of Intent form. It is open for sheep-related research across Canada. Research is a key component to driving competitiveness and profitability in the sheep industry. OSMA’s priorities are as follows: Animal Health; Nutrition; Marketing, Product Quality and Economics; Genetics; Reproduction and Production Systems; Environment; Food Safety; and Animal Welfare. Please note that the priorities have not changed since 2014.
Funding Availability
Total funds available for this call is $100,000 over 3 years. Support may be for one or a limited number of proposals.
Indirect Costs
Project Duration
1 to 3 years
Special Notes
Full proposals will be solicited in June. If invited for full proposal, PI submits signed OR-5 along with copy of full proposal to: Research.Services@uoguelph.ca 5 days in advance of the external deadline.
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
External Deadline | To: jmactavish@ontariosheep.org, or can be sent by mail or fax |