
Ontario Ministry of Transportation


Road Safety Research Partnership Program (RSRPP)


The purpose of this program is to fund research into the behavioural and social aspects of road user safety in order to identify the factors involved in motor vehicle collisions, suggest ways to reduce its impacts on individuals and society, and monitor the effectiveness of road safety initiatives. Research funded through the RSRPP will support Ontario’s efforts to improve road safety and keep the province among the safest jurisdictions in the world.   Eligible topics are in the behavioural and social sciences and relate to risk factors, preventive factors, and/or risk groups that are of road safety relevance in Ontario. Research proposals will only be considered if the proposed project could otherwise not be completed in-house (e.g., with a driving simulator, using human subjects, requiring primary data collection, requiring field work).


Ontario hospitals, colleges, universities, and other public institutions are eligible for funding by the RSRPP. The principal investigator(s) must be a full- or part-time member of the faculty or an employee of the sponsoring institution.

Funding Availability

The total value of the research funding will be $150,000. In cases where more than one project is selected to be funded, the total available funds of $150,000 will be split between projects in a manner decided by MTO.

Indirect Costs

15 % as per section 3.2, Other Costs in the Guidelines


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline
External Deadline

How to Apply

Please direct applications and inquiries for further information concerning the RSRPP and the application process to RoadSafetyResearch.PartnershipProgram@ontario.ca

For Questions, please contact
Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences
Social Sciences