Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative
For More Information
For more information, please go to the SFARI website. Please read the SFARI policy and procedures document.
Explorer Awards are intended to provide resources to support exploratory experiments that will strengthen hypotheses and lead to the formulation of competitive applications for subsequent larger-scale funding by SFARI or other organizations. Innovative, high-risk/high-impact proposals are encouraged. We especially encourage applications from investigators who are new to the field of autism, but who have expertise that could be brought to bear on this complex disorder.
Funding Availability
$70,000 USD max including IDC
Indirect Costs
Project Duration
One year.
Special Notes
SFARI funds may be used only for personnel considered employees of the grantee institution who are eligible for benefits. Funds may not be used for stipend or benefit supplementation unless specifically authorized under the terms of the program from which funds are derived.
US Public Health Service (PHS) Federal Conflict of Interest Requirement (FCOI)
Applications to this program must be accompanied by a Significant Financial Interest Disclosure Form (see Appendix B of the US PHS FCOI Requirements). Please refer to the information posted on the Office of Research Services website for more information on researcher responsibilities under the US PHS FCOI Requirements.
Internal Deadline
To Office of Research: 1 week prior to submission to sponsor. Please submit your application/proposal along with an OR5 form and signed Appendix B (see below) to research.services@uoguelph.ca
External Deadline
Applications are accepted year-round and decisions about funding are made within about a month by SFARI science staff.
How to Apply
PI to submit application using SFARI online system at proposalCENTRAL
Please log in as an applicant, go to the grant opportunities tab, scroll to simons foundation and click apply now for the SFARI explorer award program.