
Ontario Genomics


2016 SPARK Program: Microbiome Competition

For More Information

For additional information, please visit the program’s website for


The intent of the SPARK 2016 competition is to catalyze new research directions and support innovative genomics-based projects that have the potential to advance microbiome research, and improve our knowledge and understanding of this important field.  To maximize the potential benefits for Ontario and increase the competitiveness of Ontario research and its life sciences sector, the SPARK 2016: Microbiome competition will be open to research projects involving human, plant, livestock and the environment including soil and water. Successful proposal(s) will enhance our understanding of how microbial communities contribute to health and disease in humans, plants and livestock and also how these communities can influence their environment. The outcomes should generate knowledge which, in the long-term, could be transferred to those who have the ability to translate and use it, ultimately resulting in useful applications in areas such as health care, food production, and environmental remediation.


To be eligible for SPARK 2016 Microbiome, a proposal must:

  • respond to the objectives and intent of the SPARK 2016 program i.e. support and initiate innovations in the genomics space to improve our knowledge and understanding of microbiomes
  • demonstrate how the outcomes of SPARK will enable the applicant to achieve follow-on investment, further research, and allow eventual engagement of industry partners and/or end users. The potential to have impact for Ontario in the long-term must be clearly articulated
  • demonstrate the need for the requested funds, and the ability to immediately commence the project once funding is provided
  • Funded research must be performed in Ontario (Principal Investigator (PI) must be at an academic or research institution for eligibility)

Funding Availability

individual awards of up to $25,000. Ontario Genomics may fund up to four (4) research projects per year.

Maximum Project Value


Indirect Costs


Project Duration

6-12 months

Special Notes

Applicants should present their idea, describe how they plan to assess its feasibility and justify its potential to support the development of knowledge and innovations in microbiome using genomics.


If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.

Internal Deadline

Please submit your application/proposal, along with an OR-5 Form to research.services@uoguelph.ca

External Deadline

How to Apply

Please combine all relevant documents as a single PDF file and reference SPARK 2016 in the subject line of the e-mail. Institutional signatories are required on the application form. Researcher will submit the final proposal to Ontario Genomics.

For Questions, please contact

Elaine Corbett, Senior Manager, Business Development and Research
E-mail: ECorbett@OntarioGenomics.ca

Office of Research

Katie Meyer Beck, Director, Research Services Office
Research Services Office

Alert Classifications
Funding Opportunities and Sponsor News

Health and Life Sciences