15th Annual OMAFRA Food Safety Research Forum- Call for Posters
Date | Location |
Friday October 20, 2017 8:45am to 4:00pm | Conference Centre, 1 Stone Road West |
OMAFRA presents the 15th annual Food Safety Research Forum. The Food Safety Research Forum is an opportunity to share information and connect with researchers, industry representatives, stakeholders and ministry staff interested in food safety in Ontario. The Forum is delivered as part of the ministry's Food Safety Research Program, an open, competitive research fund to enhance food safety in Ontario through state-of-the-art research.
Call for Posters
Student Poster Competition: Present, display, network and participate!
Poster Details: Poster Abstracts (max 200 words) must include:
- Project title
- Name of student
- A brief explanation of the project
- Why the project is important
- What the specific benefit of the project has been/could be
- Who has benefited or is expected to benefit from this research
Submission: Poster abstracts should be emailed to Tieghan Hunt at tieghan.hunt@ontario.ca
Deadline: Friday, September 22nd, 2017 by 4:00p.m.
Notification: A review committee will select abstracts for poster display and notification of acceptance with poster guidelines will occur by e-mail by September 26th, 2017.
- Posters must address any of the food safety research program priorities of: detection and surveillance, pathway analysis, and prevention and control of disease.
- Posters should describe research projects addressing current issues in food safety in clear language using the poster template provided at the link below.
- Poster template link
- Posters are due to tieghan.hunt@ontario.caon or before October 10th, 2017 in PDF and PowerPoint formats.
There will be prizes for the best student posters: 1st place - $250; 2nd place - $150 and 3rd place - $100
For more information or questions, contact Tieghan Hunt: tieghan.hunt@ontario.ca