CIHR Project Grant Fall 2018 and New Learning Materials for Applicants
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
The Project Grant program [2] is designed to capture ideas with the greatest potential for important advances in fundamental or applied health-related knowledge, health care, health systems, and/or health outcomes by supporting projects with a specific purpose and a defined endpoint. The best ideas may stem from new, incremental, innovative, and/or high-risk lines of inquiry or knowledge translation approaches.
The Project Grant program is expected to:
- Support a diverse portfolio of health-related research and knowledge translation projects at any stage, from discovery to application, including commercialization;
- Promote relevant collaborations across disciplines, professions, and sectors;
- Contribute to the creation and use of health-related knowledge.
Funding Opportunities in Specific Research Areas
- Funding is augmented by CIHR Institute Priority Announcements (PAs) that award grants in specific research areas relevant to the Institutes’ mandates. PAs offer additional sources of funding for highly ranked and competitive applications that were not funded through the Project Grant competition budget. Streamlined applications (see the Review Process and Evaluation section below) are not eligible for funding through PAs since they were assessed as being non-competitive.
- In order for an application to be considered for funding through a PA, applicants must select a relevant PA from the drop-down menu in their ResearchNet application form. Selection of PA is not available in the registration form.
- Project Grants: Fall 2018 Priority Announcement (Specific Research Areas) [3]
- The Nominated Principal Applicant must be an independent researcher [4] or a knowledge user [5].
- The Nominated Principal Applicant must have an academic or research appointment at an eligible institution if he/she is an independent researcher (See Institutional Eligibility Requirements [6] for eligibility process and associated timelines).
- If the Nominated Principal Applicant is a knowledge user [5], there must be at least one Principal Applicant who is an independent researcher [4].
- Principal Applicants must be an independent researcher [4] or knowledge user [5] (inclusion of one or more Principal Applicants is optional).
- Co-Applicants can be one of the following (inclusion of one or more Co-applicants is optional):
- An independent researcher [4];
- A knowledge user [5];
- A trainee [7];
- Other.
- While individuals can apply to Foundation Grant and Project Grant programs during overlapping competitions, the sameapplication cannot be submitted to both competitions, as per section 1-E of the CIHR Grants and Awards Guide [8]. If the same application is found to have been submitted to overlapping Foundation Grant and Project Grant competitions, the applicant will be asked to withdraw one of his/her applications. CIHR will not consider inclusion of components of a proposal into a second proposal as the same application. Note: Individuals applying to both programs will not be allowed to change their role (Nominated Principal Applicant or Program Leader) on either application.
- An individual cannot submit more than two Project Grant applications per competition as a Nominated Principal Applicant. If the Nominated Principal Applicant submits more than two applications, CIHR will automatically withdraw the last application submitted based on time-stamp of submission.
- Individuals who hold a Foundation Grant in the role of Program Leader are not eligible to apply to the Project Grant competition in the role of Nominated Principal Applicant and Principal Applicant.
Early Career Investigators (ECIs)
The success rate for ECIs [9] will be equalized, ensuring that the proportion of ECIs funded equals the proportion of ECI applicants to the competition. Competition processes and peer review for this cohort will be fully integrated within the competition as a whole with no additional steps being required on the part of the applicant.
Maximum Project Value
- Within the investment allocated to each Project Grant competition, there will be a funding envelope of $13.25M dedicated to large grants. Large grants are defined as those within the top 2% largest total grant amount requested by all applicants within the competition and will vary with each competition. Individual grant applications requesting a total of more than $13.25M from CIHR will be withdrawn.
- The Project Grant competition will also have a specific funding envelope to support Early career investigators [9].
Indirect Costs
Special Notes
CIHR is updating the Learning for Applicants [10] materials to support applicants to this competition regarding the Registration and Application stages.
Learning materials for Applicants:
- Webinars: The Project Grant: Fall 2018 Question and Answer webinars [11] will run from July 26th to September 6th. All attendees are asked to review the reference materials and applicant learning modules in advance of the webinar to ensure that everyone’s experience is as productive as possible.
- Modules: Project Grant modules will be listed on the Learning for Applicants [10] page in advance of the webinars and will provide an overview of the competition as well as a detailed tour of the application process.
- Video: Learn about the Equity and Diversity Questionnaire [12]. All applicants on a Project Grant application must complete the questionnaire before their application can be submitted.
CIHR’s new Equity and Diversity Questionnaire: As of May 15, 2018, all CIHR application participants must complete the questionnaire before an application can be submitted [13]. To explain further, this means that principal investigators and co-applicants need to complete the questionnaire—and, of course, so does the nominated principal investigator (NPI) prior to submitting their application. “Collaborators” are the only exception to this rule. To avoid additional pressure around application deadlines this fall, CIHR is encouraging all potential applicants to complete the questionnaire during the summer break. To guide you through the process, CIHR has posted instructions and FAQs on their website [14]. If you have any additional questions, you can also get in touch with the Contact Centre at [15].
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
External Deadline | Registration: PI to submit registration directly to sponsor via online application system ResearchNet [16]. Registrations will be accepted between July 11 and August 15, 2018. Application form will open once registration has been submitted. More information on this funding opportunity and Registration instructions [17] can be found on the CIHR website. [18] | |
Internal Deadline | Application: PI to submit a copy of application, routing slip and signed Participant Signature pages (if applicable) along with a complete OR5 form to: PI must hit "submit" on ResearchNet on or before the internal deadline. The application will then be accessible the the Grants Officer to review. | |
External Deadline | Application: This funding opportunity follows the eApproval process [19]. This means that when the applicant submits an application, it will be directed electronically to the Research Institution which the applicant has identified as the Institution Paid. The Research Institution will review the application and submit their approval electronically to CIHR on behalf of the applicant. For more information on this funding opportunity, application and specific instructions, please see the sponsor website [20]. |
Information For Co-applicants
If you need to meet a deadline set by the lead institution for this opportunity, please ensure that you provide the Office of Research with at least five days in advance of the lead institution’s deadline to review the application, or your proposed component of the project. Please be in touch with the Office of Research (contact information below) ahead of the deadline if it looks like it will be difficult for you to submit all the required documentation on time (i.e. budget, proposal, OR-5 Form).