Connecting for Canada’s 150th Anniversary
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
For More Information
Visit the Connection Grants - Connecting for Canada's 150th [1] website
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) is pleased to announce the launch of Connecting for Canada’s 150th [1], a unique series of Connection Grants to mark Canada’s 150th anniversary in 2017. This historic anniversary is an opportunity to highlight scholarly activities that mobilize research about Canada at 150: its past, its present and its future. This initiative also provides support for connection activities that exemplify the contributions of Canadian institutions and researchers in the social sciences and humanities, either to a discipline or to global fields of study.
SSHRC invites interested applicants and their partner organizations to apply for support through the Connection Grants funding opportunity [2]. Applications are subject to the evaluation criteria and scoring scheme [3] common to all Connection Grants. However, all applicants must demonstrate how their project addresses this historic anniversary. Applicants applying under Connecting for Canada’s 150th should consult the full description [1] of the initiative.