Egg Farmers of Alberta - 2021 Call for Proposals
Egg Farmers of Alberta (EFA).
Call for Proposals.
For More Information
Egg Farmers of Alberta (EFA) is pleased to invite applications of research and development in areas that address targeted industry priorities. The targeted priority areas were established in 2019 by farmers in consultation with researchers and value chain partners.
Targeted research priorities include:
- What are ideal lighting conditions to maximize hen and pullet productivity and welfare?
- Specifically, this is related to issues such as flickering, managing in alternative housing systems, and using different light spectrums to manage behaviour.
- What management practices reduce dust and what are the impacts of dust on production, bird health, and welfare?
- What factors impact vaccine effectiveness in Alberta?
- There is interest in both bird and non-bird factors including issues such as proper procedures and water quality.
- How does the environment (ex. dust in loose housing) impact effectiveness?
- What is the prevalence, cause, and impact of emerging layer diseases in Alberta?
- What is the impact of the shift to more production in alternative housing?
- What is the impact of strains that are migrating to Western Canada?
- There is special interest in Shelless Egg Syndrome (SES), Focal Duodenal Necrosis (FDN), and Peritonitis/E.Coli.
- What is the impact of extending flock cycles on economics, sustainability, and welfare?
- Of the strains used in Alberta, which are best suited to longer flock cycles?
- What is the impact of the Alberta laying hen diet on extending flock cycles?
- What management practices used in Alberta can best improve the likelihood of success?
- Which genetics and strains of birds are the “best fit” for different alternative housing systems?
- How do we use genetics to reduce behaviours such as cannibalism, feather pecking, flightiness, and huddling?
- How can nutrition be used to help prevent, mitigate, or alleviate behavior concerns?
- Can we enrich spent hen tissue (offal) with nutrients for harvesting as a human health supplement?
- Characterizing the risks and attributes of Salmonella strains that are prevalent in Alberta:
- Which ones are relevant (positive or negative) to bird and human health?
- Which ones are not prevalent elsewhere, and why?
- Understanding the management factors impacting defense against Salmonella colonization.
Research proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- How well the project addresses the identified research priorities stated above.
- A clear communication and technology transfer plan that will facilitate the uptake of research by the egg industry and communicate results to the public and/or policy makers as appropriate.
- Whether the proposed project is new, innovative, pro-active, and advances the current status (or an explicit explanation of how the project fits into a larger research program).
- Scientific merit.
- Potential for impact on industry practices, productivity, sustainability, or the egg market.
Any individual or organization (academic institution, private industry, government or nongovernment organization) from Canada with ability and/or a track record of success in carrying out research projects in areas relevant to the Canadian egg industry is eligible to apply. Although preference will be given to research conducted in Alberta, research conducted in other areas of Canada will be considered.
Also, there is no limitation to the number of LOI's a researcher can submit. Researchers are welcome to submit applications for multiple projects that align with EFA’s research priorities.
Funding Availability
EFA will make up to $125,000 available to focus on specific priority areas benefiting Alberta’s egg farmers.
Maximum Project Value
There is no minimum limit to the amount of funds a PI can request for a research project. The maximum funding request from EFA for projects submitted is $50,000, regardless of project duration. Projects will be submitted to RDAR in consideration of leveraging funding however if the total ask exceeds $50,000, EFA requests that you submit the project to the Ag Funding Consortium in lieu of EFA’s Call for Proposals. Total amount of funds requested is taken into consideration along with other important criteria in evaluating the proposal. Applicants with other funding sources will be given priority consideration.
Indirect Costs
Project Duration
EFA understands that sound research takes time. There is no limitation to the length or duration of a project. Regardless of length, timeliness is considered at the evaluation phase, and clear milestones and deadlines must be outlined for each project. Projects of more than one year will require an annual Interim Report due on the anniversary date of the project’s initiation. Funding for subsequent years of multi-year projects is dependent on satisfactory reporting of progress toward meeting the milestones of the project.
Special Notes
It is requested applicants submitting proposals to EFA’s call NOT submit the same LOI to the Ag Funding Consortium. Projects submitted to EFA’s Call for Proposals will be shared with Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR) for leveraging opportunities. However, if the project requires funding over $50,000 and you have not already applied to other funders or secured additional funding, we request that you submit the project to the Ag Funding Consortium in lieu of EFA’s Call for Proposals.
Please note that research activities carried out in the context of COVID-19 need to adhere to the University of Guelph COVID-19 research principles, policies, guidelines and processes as they may be updated from time to time and communicated on the Office of Research web-page [2].
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date | Notes |
Internal Deadline | Please submit the completed LOI form, along with an OR-5 Form to [3]. | |
External Deadline | Please submit your completed LOI form to Carley Frerichs at [4]. Qualified applicants will be invited by May 31, 2021 to submit a full research proposal. Please inform [3] if you are invited to submit a full proposal. |
How to Apply
Please review EFA's Call for Proposals [5], Application Instructions [6] and LOI form for more information on the research program and how to apply.
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