Innovative Solutions to Homelessness - Microgrants
Employment and Social Development Canada
Innovative Solutions to Homelessness - Microgrants
The Innovative Solutions to Homelessness funding stream is delivered nationally and supports development of innovative approaches to reducing homelessness. Funding can be used to support activites in three key areas: community based innovative projects to reduce homelessness and/or the cost of homelessness; building strategic parnterships with key stakeholders; and testing and/or sharing tools, social metrics, and research findings geared towards homelessness.
Applicants are invited to submit proposals for small scale experimental projects or prototypes up to a maximum of $25,000 in grant funding to develop and/or evaluate effective, innovative and potentially groundbreaking practices, tools, or initiatives that prevnet or reduce homelessness in Canada.For more information please refer to the Employment and Social Development Canada website:
Indirect Costs
Special Notes
Please sign the appropriate section(s) of the Standard Grant Application for Funding [1] form and provide a scanned image of all the completed and signed documents.
Note that applications cannot be submitted through other means, including cloud storage service providers such as Dropbox or Google Drive. Applications sent using such means will be rejected.
If you are unable to scan the documents, please contact
If College-level review is required, your College will communicate its earlier internal deadlines.
Type | Date |
Internal Deadline | |
External Deadline |
How to Apply
Please submit your proposal and signed OR5 form by email to by the internal deadline.
Once your application is completed and signed by the Office of Research it will be retuned to you then please submit all required documents by email to [2]